Polk county clerk of courts. Photos courtesy of Visit Central Florida .
Polk county clerk of courts Small Claims. Help Resources. Physical Address 255 N. Information for virtual court in Polk County, Florida. A will is a document executed by a person that disposes of his/her property after his/her death. Welcome to the website of the Polk County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller. You may forfeit the bond you posted, thus losing your money or collateral. Any person(s) 18 years or older or any individual(s) doing business as a company may file a small claims case. Clerk Main Phone Number. It is our goal to make our services as convenient and accessible as possible to customers. Search by case number, name, date, or parcel number and print uncertified copies for free. The Constitution of the State of Nebraska distributes the judicial power of the state among the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, district courts, and county courts. If the fee is not paid within seven days, it will be assessed against you at the conclusion of the case. Subscribe to Our e-Newsletter. Broadway Avenue, Bartow, Florida 33830, (863) 534-4686, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. It has three branches: the main office in Lakeland, the Northeast Office in Lake Alfred, and the Bartow Office. Probate is a legal process through which the assets of a deceased person are properly distributed to the heirs or beneficiaries. Please contact the Office of the Court Administrator, 255 N. Exempt information held under FS 119. Divorce services are available at any of our three locations. The following resources may be needed for the process. Contact the clerk of court in the county where the case was filed: Court Directory | Iowa Judicial Branch (iowacourts. Virtual Court. All information on this website is the property of the 10th Circuit Court of Florida, unless directly specified otherwise. Injunctions can also include other relief that the court feels is appropriate. Based on the identity of the user and their relationship or role, the law provides various levels of access to court records for attorneys, parties on a case, governmental agencies, interested parties, and law enforcement. PHONE: 770-749-2114. Quick Links Jan 11, 2017 · Arraignment Court Appearance By selecting this choice, you will be issued a court date and will waive your right to pay the civil penalty or attend a Basic Driver Improvement course. For county government, this responsibility includes the Board of County Commissioners but does not include the other Constitutional Officers in county government, including the Sheriff, Tax Collector, Property Appraiser, and Supervisor of Elections. Parker St. County Commission Records. The Court may impose a fine of up to $500 along with the court cost and require completion of a basic driver improvement course, or both. If you are under the age of 18, ask the Clerk about an adult filing on your behalf. This is my declaration of domicile in the State of Florida that I am filing this day in accordance and in conformity with Section 222. net Contact Us Polk County Justice Center 1005 West Main St, Suite 300 Balsam Lake, WI 54810 [Phone: 715-485-9299 Fax: 715-500-6525 Civil Division Phone: 715-485-9287 Criminal Division Phone: DIY Court Filings. View the Court Payments page for further instructions. E-Filing is available in the following courts: Circuit and County Civil Courts; Circuit and County Criminal Courts; Criminal and Civil Traffic; Family; Juvenile; Probate; Access the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal. Access important forms and documents. If you are unable to locate the desired record online or through PIER or would like to make a request for records held in the custody of the Polk County Clerk of Court, please mail or email your request to the Records Custodian. Box 9000 Drawer CC-10 Bartow, FL 33831. Document Center. Photos courtesy of Visit Central Florida . Bartow. Email: clerkrecords@polk-county. The Clerk has responsibility for the financial operations both for the county government and the court activities. Browse frequently asked questions and forms regarding small claims. Clerk Butterfield is a Certified Public Accountant and experienced public servant with more than three decades in the Polk County Clerk’s office. This report details these goals, highlights the actions taken to meet them in 2021, and provides a glimpse into the future as we implement changes Jan 6, 2025 · Administrative Office of the Courts - Nick Sudzina, Trial Court Administrator Clerk's Office; Hardee County (863) 773 - 4174: Highlands County (863) 402 - 6565 Polk County ; Judges Clerk of Courts . If you are having problems E-Filing please email the Florida Courts E-Filing Online Court Resources. Find links to felony, misdemeanor, civil, family, probate, dependency, delinquency, and other virtual courtrooms. County records dating back to 1957 can be viewed in the online database. I look forward to serving you safely as I begin my third term as Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller for Polk County. keith. The office serves as the Clerk of Courts, County Recorder, and County Comptroller, providing services such as issuing marriage licenses, recording deeds and The Department of Inspector General conducts independent, comprehensive audits and investigations under the authority of the Polk County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller. Phone Numbers: 423-338-4524 423-338-8611-fax. Welcome to the website of the Polk County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller. To the Clerk of the Circuit Court (County Comptroller) of POLK County, Florida. Jury Duty. You can track the status of your filings, review filings by other parties, and receive documents and notifications from the clerk’s office. Bartow, FL 33830-3912 Jan 20, 2025 · Clerk of Courts . We make no warranty or guarantee, express or implied, regarding the accuracy or reliability of the content on this site or at other sites to which we are linked. Mail: Records Custodian P. HOURS: The Polk County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller provides information on this website as a service to our customers. The Polk County Clerk's home page features services allowing you to search the entire Polk County Public Records database for final judgments, land records, court records, and other public documents recorded since January 1, 1957. The first step in a divorce case is to identify the type of divorce to pursue. Show All Answers. View these two resources prior to your court date so that you are ready for this important event. 17, Florida Statutes. Quick Links The Polk County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, located in Bartow, Florida, is responsible for managing public records, public funds, and various other services for the county. If a fine and court costs have been imposed as a part of your sentence, prompt arrangement of your payment is important. Find out the fees, requirements, and procedures for obtaining certificates, licenses, and online access. Monday through Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm . County Recorder. If you need help generating and submitting forms: TurboCourt Resources Section; Florida Courts E-Filing Portal How To Section; In Person at the Bartow Courthouse: The Clerk's office offers a DIY Center with dedicated staff to assist customers with DIY filings. Learn how to request and access public records from the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller of Polk County, Florida. gov or 1-800-831-1396, Monday - Friday 7 AM - 5 PM except holidays. Quick Links Welcome to the website of the Polk County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller. If you do not do so, you will violate the order and be subject to driver license suspension or further court action. 6122 or FS 741. I request to have exempt personal information removed from records maintained by the Polk County Clerk’s Office. gov The mission of the office of the Polk County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller is to function as a team dedicated to our customers by preparing and maintaining accurate records, furnishing assistance in an understanding and compassionate manner, and providing services with competence, professionalism, and courtesy in compliance with Small claims court is considered “the people’s court”, and a lawyer is not required. The service will send you a text or email alert 7 and/or 14 days before court hearings. Since 2012, the Clerk’s office has consistently made efforts to be a thought leader among clerks state-wide in implementing technology to allow convenient, efficient access to services. If applying for a determination of "indigent for costs," the applicant must file a written motion the court to be submitted along with the Any information regarding case dispositions must be obtained from the Polk County Clerk of the Court. Polk County. Sign in to Save Progress. The Polk County Clerk of Courts’ Property Alert Service notifies users when documents are filed for a specified property or party name, ultimately helping users identify unauthorized or fraudulent activity. Quick Links DISCLAIMER. Quick Links The Polk County Clerk's Office provides the Property Alert Service to the public as a way for property owners or other interested parties to receive alert messages by email when a transaction that affects a specific property is recorded by the Clerk's Office in Polk County, Florida. Find information on court, criminal, marriage, divorce, property, and tax deeds records online or by mail. Virtual Court Microsoft Teams Instructions Polk County courts use the Microsoft Teams application for virtual court Any affected person has a right to request that a county recorder or clerk of the court add information to a publicly available Internet website if that information involves the identity of a respondent against whom a final judgment for an injunction for the protection of a minor under s. Popular Links. Judges & Judicial Assistants Welcome to the website of the Polk County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller. . , Room 240 Lakeland, FL 33801-1929 eFile Login. We are committed to ensuring that these records are accurate. 00 per page. 046, or s. Stacie Baines, Clerk of Court. BUTTERFIELD, Clerk of the Circuit Court Bartow Branch – Post Office Box 9000, Drawer CC-10 Bartow, Fl 33830 Ph. please call the Administrative Office of the Courts for an accommodation at (863) 534-4686. Oct 15, 2021 · The Clerk is waiving the $30 ceremony fee; however standard marriage license fees do apply. 1. Additional forms and checklists are also available via the Florida Courts Self-Help Center, The Florida Bar, and Florida's 10th Judicial Circuit. 4. Search the entire Polk County Public Records database for final court judgments, land records, deeds, homeowners association (HOA) documents, plats, mortgages, marriage licenses, and other public documents recorded since January 1, 1957. Mailing Address: 164 Industrial Access Circle Benton, TN 37307. jenkins@tncourts. The Clerk's office can Melissa Keith . polkcountyclerk. Access live or recorded hearings of various courts in Polk County, Florida. A crucial element of internal control is a mechanism for preventing and detecting fraud, waste, and abuse of County resources. From court cases to marriage licenses, buying a home or paying a traffic ticket, my office is deeply rooted within the Polk County community, and the interests of its residents are my top priority. The objective of these audits is to add value and improve Polk County operations. Wills. 071 or FS 493. The next step is to complete the appropriate packet and file it with the Clerk's Clerk of Court. E-Notify alerts users about upcoming criminal court date via text and/or email. , Room 240 Lakeland, FL 33801-1929 DIY Court Filings. Monday - Friday, 8AM - 5PM. Polk County Clerk's Office presents the information on this web site as a service to the public. Supreme Court of FL Admin Order No. The court may also appoint a guardian before approving a settlement for a claim over $15,000. Clerk of the Circuit Court, County Recorder, and County Comptroller. Some Jun 30, 2021 · Applying for a marriage license with the Clerk of Courts; Performing the marriage ceremony; Recording the marriage license in the official county records with the Clerk’s office; The Polk County Clerk & Comptroller oversees the application and recording of marriage licenses in Polk County, and can also perform courthouse wedding ceremonies. Court dates often change. For more information or to register for the wedding, call the Official Records Department at 863-534-4516 or visit our marriage services page. Who may make an election to attend basic driver improvement course? Any person charged with a moving or non-moving violation, other than violations involving driver’s licenses, vehicle registration, or proof of insurance, is eligible to elect to attend a basic driver improvement course in lieu of accumulating points on the driver history record. Use the eFile System to electronically file documents. What happens if I fail to appear for my court date? Failure to appear could result in a misdemeanor judge issuing a capias for your arrest. A guardianship must be established for the property of a minor child when an amount of over $50,000 is to be paid to the minor. How to Apply for a Passport : . gov) Can't access or log into Iowa Courts Online? Contact the Technical Help Desk at support@iowacourts. Electronic Court Date Alerts (e-Notify) Report Fraud. 0305(5), Florida Statutes, provides “All area course providers shall register with the Clerk of the Circuit Court by filing an affidavit in writing attesting to the provider’s compliance with the premarital course STACY M. Juror numbers 2019195-2019388 must report at the time designated on your summons. (863) 534-4446 Fax (863) 534-4137 Welcome to Polk County Clerk of Court’s Public Information & Electronic Records (PIER) application. Traffic Tickets. 420 requiring the filer to be solely responsible for identifying confidential information in small claims, county civil, and most circuit civil court documents. The court oversees the estate to make sure debts are paid and proper distribution is made. Increase access and continue development of a paperless courthouse through technological advancement. The action must have arisen in Polk County or the defendant must reside in Polk County in order for the court to have jurisdiction. Hours. Broadway Avenue, Bartow, Florida 33830 or 863-534-4686, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. Find information and resources for various court services in Polk County, Florida, such as child support, divorce, evictions, foreclosures, and more. This report details the goals my office set and highlights the actions taken to meet those goals in 2020. Guardianship Fraud Hotline. Learn how to request marriage and divorce records from the Clerk of the Court's office in Polk County, Florida. , is entered To learn more about Polk Clerk of Courts and Comptroller please visit http://www. The statute requires payment of the $50 to the Clerk of the Circuit Court within seven days. Quickly Find What You Need In Person at the Bartow Courthouse: Court filing fee(s) only; Help. The Clerk can print the paperwork for you for $1. @2024 10th Judicial Circuit of Florida. DIY Court Filings. Alerts are sent by email when a document is recorded with data that matches the parcel ID or party name specified by the subscriber. , Room 240 Lakeland, FL 33801-1929 Stacy M. Contact the Clerk's Office. Office Hours: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Monday - Friday. The office serves as the Clerk of Courts, County Recorder, and County Comptroller, providing services such as issuing marriage licenses, recording deeds and Hours. Information is available by phone at 863-534-4698 during normal business hours. You have the option to pay in full or enter into a payment plan within 30 days of receiving your court order. The Polk County Clerk of Courts provides four ways to pay your traffic citation. Passport Renewals; Processing Times; Locations. Resources for the Polk County District Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Polk County, Iowa, and resources applicable to all courts in Iowa. 784. The clerk, or a designee thereof, is assigned to be at all open court cases and provide the court with all filings and documents related to each case, as well as preparing and sending all due summonses to the plaintiffs, attorneys, victims, defendants and witnesses involved in the various cases. Polk County Courthouse #106 . To pursue an Injunction for Protection: The first step is to identify the type of injunction needed. If your license is suspended for failure to pay court fines in Polk County and it has not been sent to a collections agency, you may pay the fine amount owing plus the assessed delinquent fee online or at one of our office locations in Bartow, Lakeland or Northeast. Wills & Estates Jury Information - Monday, March 17th. Problems with E-Filing. S. MAILING: PO Box 948 100 Prior Street Cedartown, GA 30125 Cedartown, GA 30125. Stacy M. Butterfield, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Polk County, Florida Section 741. All information on this website is the property of the 10th Circuit Court of Florida, unless Hours. 30, s. FOR DOMICILIARIES OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: I hereby declare that I reside in and maintain a place of abode at: Court Date Alerts! Don't Miss Your Next Court Date. Minority. The court also keeps records of jury panels and The Polk County Clerk's home page features services allowing you to search the entire Polk County Public Records database for final judgments, land records, court records, and other public documents recorded since January 1, 1957. Board minutes and county ordinances for the Board of County Commissioners. Search court records, county recorder, and public information and electronic records (PIER) online. Butterfield, CPA Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller Polk County, Florida Virtual Court. The office provides more than 1,000 services to the Polk County community. AOSC25-13 - In Re: Emergency Request To Extend Time Periods Under All Florida Rules Of Procedure For Polk County In The Tenth Judicial Circuit Polk Felony Master Calendar: December 23, 2024 – July 4, 2025 The Polk County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller is a government agency that oversees public records requests, marriage licenses, and court records. The Polk County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, located in Bartow, Florida, is responsible for managing public records, public funds, and various other services for the county. 07-2013 Revised Notice to Defendant with Claim of Exemption County (PDF) A competent adult may also petition the court to appoint a voluntary guardian for himself or herself. All information on this website is the property of the 10th Circuit Court of Florida, unless directly specified Polk County Clerk of the Circuit Court, County Court Criminal P. 465 as (select all that apply. net Online access to Polk County court records is available through the Polk County Clerk of Court’s Public Information & Electronic Records (PIER) application. Contact Page. Divorce cases are handled by our Family Law Department. The next step is to complete the appropriate packet and file it with the Clerk's office. In-person or By Mail: You will receive a summons at time of filing, or we will courier your summons to the Sheriff's Office for service. It is your responsibility to notify the Clerk’s office of your current address, in writing, at: Polk County Clerk of the Circuit Court, County Court Criminal P. Contact Us. Physical Address 930 E. 500 Mulberry Street Room 212 Des Moines, IA 50309 Phone: 515-561-5718 Fax: 515-323-5250 Case Scheduling Polk County ; Judges Clerk of Courts . It is critical to prepare for your virtual court appearance. 741. O. Our Document Center provides access to a variety of forms and documents that may be needed in your business with the courts. Please select from the available options. Official Records. 0485, F. Lakeland . Court Records. Quickly Find What You Need The Clerk of the Circuit Court and County Comptroller is committed to preventing fraud and maintaining an environment in which internal controls can be established and improved. My office has three branches that oversee more than 1,000 duties for our community. Phone: 863-534-4000. Unofficial (uncertified) copies of many records can be obtained for free by using PRO ( Polk Records Online). Box 9000, Drawer CC-18 Bartow, FL 33831-9000. Register for e-Notify to ensure you don't miss your next court date. Learn how to access online services, pay fees, file documents, and attend virtual court hearings. Like and follow the Clerk's Facebook and Instagram pages for updates and announcements. Traffic Tickets Florida Courts E-Filing Portal. Visit the Clerk’s online court records system - Polk Records Online (PRO) - to access and print your summons. For statewide criminal history information, please visit the Florida Department of Law Enforcement website or call (850) 410-8161 during normal business hours. Find court records, official records, and tax deeds of Polk County, Florida. Before requesting a record, please note that you can get an unofficial (uncertified) copy of many of our records for FREE by using PRO ( Polk Records Online ). Email: melissa. We have tried to ensure that the information contained in this electronic search system is accurate. Virtual court links for Polk County. In Opinion 20-1765, the Florida Supreme Court amended Rule 2. Find public records, passports, property alerts, and more from the Polk County Clerk's Office. You MUST complete the online questionnaire before reporting. Broadway Ave. Passport Fees. Welcome to Polk County Clerk of Court’s Public Information & Electronic Records (PIER) application. If either party is experiencing difficulties exercising visitation rights set forth in their court order, mediation services are available through the Family Mediation Department. Financial Services.