Superior court records search. Cost Schedule - Civil.
Superior court records search We are excited to lead the way on Some courts, only display case numbers and information for criminal convictions if the sentencing occurred within seven years of the date of search in MiCOURT. Court Records Requests (GR 31) Public Records Officers. 501(b), 2. to 5:00 p. The Mission of the Superior Court. · Court Dates. Certification is an additional $40. Superior Court case search has moved to Odyssey Portal for the following case types (Phase 1): Civil Division cases, including Landlord and Tenant and Small Claims; The Superior Court does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, legality, reliability, or content of the information provided in this system and is not liable for errors E-Access to Court Records. The Mecklenburg County Clerk of Superior Court Office is open to the public between the hours of 9:00 a. Administrative Division. Jury Service; Payment Portal; E-Filing; Case Information; Notice of 2024-2025 Tulare County Superior Court Baseline Budget Read more. As of May 23, 2024, email addresses for Judiciary staff, judges, justices and Vermont state courts have migrated to email addresses ending in @vtcourts. Search for FREE Records Now! Note: Due to federal or state law or policy, the Oregon Judicial Department does not provide court records or court calendar information for certain cases through this Superior Court of California, County of Kern 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield CA 93301. Using this · Search Supreme Court Search Opinions Search Search. (GC § 70627, 70626). org. The Superior Court, Court of Common Pleas and Justice of the Peace Court now offer the ability to access civil case information online 24-hours a day through CourtConnect. Fees & Payment. Inquirers can use the case information search portal to perform searches online. · Access the Superior Judicial records search. Public Portal Instructional Video RULES FOR ACCESS TO THE TRIAL COURT PUBLIC RECORD PORTAL Beth Greene. Upcoming Court Dates. Files cannot be removed from the court. Juvenile Courthouse. Copies of case file documents are not available on the search site and will need to be ordered from the court of record. · Via our eServices platform, you can file and search Real-Estate and Judicial records online, while also providing external resources that allow you to acquire copies of records filed in the offices of The Fulton County Superior and Magistrate Courts. Box 337 121 S. All search requests and copying are performed by a clerk or staff member employed by the Mono County Superior Court. Court Dates. In an effort to continually improve our services to you, we present this web page designed to assist our citizens and continue our technological progress in DeKalb For additional information on how to obtain copies of records, contact customer service at 609-421-6100. · Notices. Attention Access to judicial records is not governed by the Public Records Act. 503, the court restricts documents from remote display on certain case type categories identified in this Rule of Court. View Now. The clerk's office can advise you on how to get a copy of the document. Search online court records from California Superior Courts, Justice Courts, and Circuit Courts for free. Follow the instructions below to locate the case number for the file you are Superior Court of California. Be sure to choose the correct county and input the information carefully before submitting your search. Clerk of Court. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us CASE SEARCH. Below are links to each section of the Records Retention Schedule in Adobe Acrobat . Judiciary ; Courts ; Departments ; How do I? Court Forms ; Justice Courts ; Welcome to the Pinal County Superior Court. However, in some cases such as death penalty cases, appeals are sent directly to the Supreme Court. Online access to a statewide search of adult criminal case information in the juvenile & domestic relations district courts, criminal and traffic case information in general district courts and select circuit courts. Visitors further consent to access the record only as instructed by the Court and consent to the Court's monitoring of access to the records. Appointments must be made online by clicking here to confirm. ) Suite 253. NOTE: Use of a web browser that The Clerk's Office offers two options for electronic access to select publicly available court records. Valdosta, GA 31603. Mailing Address: P. Physical Address 327 N. By North Carolina Judicial Branch. To request a Records Search, complete the Records Search Request Form and mail it to the court at Most public records may be viewed electronically at these locations via public access computers. Records available at the department include entire case files, depositions, complaints, citations, and basic case information. Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara Case Portal Solano Superior Court. Case Lookup is available for the general public as a tool to research and lookup public cases. However, the retention times vary by case type. Search court and official records easily with Marion County Clerk’s online records search tool. Their office may also assist you with divorces, child support, jury duty, passports, notary, liens, as well as civil and criminal court. Find a courthouse Supreme Court Court of Appeals Superior Court District Court Business Court Recovery Courts Learn how to obtain court records, conduct background checks, and expunge criminal records. (Magistrate Court Hearings are held here. Monday through Friday, excluding judicial holidays. check court records Municipal Court cases began entering into the system as of January 1, 1989. Please Note - Court Systems Maintenance Outage: Please note that it can take up to 3 weeks for a citation to be filed with the court by law enforcement. County of Lake. Paper copies can be obtained at the courthouse by providing a case number to the clerk's office. Contact the DMV for any information. This site is a search engine for cases filed in the municipal, district, superior, and appellate courts of the state of Washington. Court Budget. Public Records Requests · Public access to Wisconsin court records. Must also submit valid identification. A subscription service to Odyssey Portal is available. You’ll be redirected to the provider’s website and must have an account to search court records. Contact Superior Court at 912-576-5631. A subscription allows the subscriber to view all case information and non-sealed documents for cases in which they are a party. Superior Court Cases: Display Superior Court case information including a list of scheduled proceedings using the case's cause number. Use our records portal for current cases and completed cases dating back to 2008. Visalia Division 221 S. Taylor - Clerk of Court The Troup County Clerk of Superior and State Courts Office is OPEN for business. For case search information, please visit the Records Search page. Allen Jr. Please fill out the request form below and · Find court documents for cases of public interest. Click on the button below to search for public court records or hearings. For Traffic citation or Traffic Court information call 706-883-1725. If you are not sure which court your case is in search in all three! For information contact Superior Court Administration at 509-477-5790; Please consult official case records from the court of record to verify all provided information. Access to public records is crucial to citizens and businesses in DeKalb County. Clerk of Superior Court. The Deeds and Records' Room is located in the Lewis Slaton Courthouse on the ground floor. Case Search by Case Number. Civil Procedures claims. Home; Case search; Search cases of Wisconsin Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, & circuit courts. eCourt Kokua. The Court Administration office hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. All are elected by the citizens of Henry County and serve 4 year terms. Search by Name or Case Number - click here if you don’t know the case number you are looking for. The Washington State Court system, also known as the "JIS system", contains court case information from multiple jurisdictions across the state, from both limited and general jurisdiction courts (District/Municipal and Superior Courts respectively. If the case number is unknown, individuals can look up a case on a courthouse computer. These courts are identified with a check mark under the "7-Year Criminal Sentence Filter" column of the MiCOURT case search. The Court will make identifiable judicial administrative records available upon request, unless the records are exempt from disclosure Civil Case Search. Name searches incur a public access fee to reimburse the Court for the costs of providing public access to its electronic records (California Rule of Court 2. Only current infractions and misdemeanors are available. · Search criminal court records in person using the public access site - external link terminals that are available in the Criminal Records lobby, Room 101, at Make check/money order payable to Sacramento Superior Court. This Self-Help Guide only has legal information, not information about individual court cases. No registration required. Typically, the best first step is to look for information on the court's website Civil, Family, and Probate Records Request Form or Criminal Records Request Form. Testimony: Evidence presented orally by witnesses during trials, before grand juries, or during administrative proceedings. Home; Case Search; Calendar Search; Case Search. If for any reason you are unable to view court records via ePortal, you can still access court records at the Court Records Division located in room 113 in the courthouse, 3501 Civic Center Dr. make your check payable to the Superior Court. As Clerk of Superior Court, I manage all Superior Court records and land records for DeKalb County. Additional potential fees listed further down the page. Case Management Docket Search. Contact Directory. However, the court files may be available for viewing at our records division located in the Hall of Justice in Redwood City or copies of documents are available by mail. Name; Judgment # Docket # * Name: Last : First : Middle Initial : Optional: Party Role: Judgment Status: Filing Location: The Clerk of Superior Court is elected by the voters for four year terms. , Ste. Some court case records do not ever appear on CourtView and some case records are removed after a time period, as provided by statute, court rule, or court order. Unified Family Court Records Adoptions Juvenile Dependency Requests may be sent by mail using this form: Court Records – Mail Request. The Butte County Superior Court, North County Municipal Court, and South County Municipal Court unified onto a single database system in early 1996. For specific information related to a particular case, you must visit or contact the court in which the action was filed or visit a commercial site that allows users to search a real-time register of actions of state court records on the Internet. O. Case Search; Case Search Use the self-service records portal. As always, you may call 706-883-1740 to be assisted by phone or click on Online Services above. Civil Unlimited Media. · Court Records Criminal Law Disability and Language Access Divorce and Marriage Domestic Violence Family and Children Superior Court District 5; District Court District 5; County Information. Please choose your search criteria on the left menu. Find information about acquiring copies. com/ . Aug 02, 2024 Receipt of the Annual Budget Allocation 2024-25 The portal allows new media to access certain Civil Unlimited documents that have been filed electronically with the Superior Court of California, County of San Benito. · The Lowndes County Superior Court Clerk’s office is proud to announce that effective JULY 1, 2019 all Real Estate documents, including liens, may be filed online. The Wisconsin Court System protects individuals' rights, privileges and liberties, maintains the rule of law, and provides a forum for the resolution of disputes that is The information provided may be subject to errors or omissions. Courts are closed on Court holidays. Such requests can be sent to: Court Executive Officer Colusa Superior Court 532 Oak Street Colusa, CA 95932. The Superior Court of California, County of San Bernardino has implemented an enhanced service which provides remote access to document images from case filings in civil matters. Ex: CR-2020-9091 Court Records The court maintains records dating back to 1898. Email. Contact Us. Case Search Please note that only 200 search results can be produced per search. The court hears all felony criminal cases prosecuted by the Office of the District Attorney, all civil actions, and all · Search for a Judgment by selecting one of the following tabs. Phone: 260-449-7245 Search Search. The Alaska Trial Courts include the If case number is unknown, please click on the link below for the Case Records Search on the court's website. Superior Court is a trial court of general jurisdiction. k. However, the court records may be available for access and/or viewing at our Records Department locations in the courthouse building located at 1515 Court St. Porterville, Ca 93257 Criminal Records Search Request. The court provides a public computer in the Criminal office that can be used to browse the following sites: California Courts Website; Superior Court of California, County of Merced; Cases lookup (Can only be An appeal from a final decision of a Superior Court generally is heard by the Court of Appeals. Box 1827, Albany, Georgia 31702 229-431-2198 (office) 229-878-3165 (fax) Email: [email protected] This court is located in the Judicial Building at The Pima County Clerk of the Superior Court maintains family court records of the Superior Court. NOTE: There is a 50¢ per page fee for copies from the Court Records Unit received in person or by mail. A Search by Name returns a list of case numbers and filing dates matching the party name entered. Cost Schedule - Civil. Either the case isn't a Sutter Superior Court case, or it's a confidential case. Access public records and court documents. Find a court date. pauldingclerkofcourt. Please call that office directly at (360) 416-1800 for all related inquiries about the court file. Search our public portal case database for information regarding specific cases including case summaries, filings, party information, and more. 400(a) states that all papers in the court files may be inspected by the public in the office of the clerk. Review information on court procedures, the Juvenile Court Search Real Estate Records (Archive) Search online court records from Virginia Superior Courts, Justice Courts, and Circuit Courts for free. Supreme Court of Florida. - 3:00 p. D. You must come to the courthouse in person to search for a confidential case. Superior Court of Pinal County P. 00 per Specific Functions of the County Clerk include: Administrator of the Court Records and Exhibits: The Clerk receives, processes, and preserves forever all documents presented in a Superior Court Cause of Action. Accessible | Fair | Effective | Responsive | Accountable. Generally, there are two categories of cases heard in the Superior Court: criminal and civil. Additional information on electronic court records is available on our Electronic Court Records (ECR) webpage. Learn about jury duty in Loudoun County. San Mateo County Family Court Case Search. Mooney Blvd. The Office was created in 1798 by the Uniform Case Number Search by Citation Number Search by Party or Business Name Search by a date range / court type / case type Court Hearing Lookup. District Courts of Appeal. Divisions. ) OR The information provided may be subject to errors or omissions. Search. Get Directions to Hampden County Superior Court in Google Maps . 503(b), and 2. at the Mecklenburg County Courthouse. Jackson Phoenix, AZ 85003. The Superior Court The Superior Court of California, County of Alameda, provides the public with online access to Civil, Family, Probate, Mental Health, and Adoption case records (documents and information) through the eCourt Public Portal. The county courts keep all court records. 507, party searches cannot be done with the date of birth or driver’s license information. The register of actions will be View daily list (PDF) Search court dockets, calendars, and tips for remote hearings Understanding the criminal court process Jury duty information for Hampden County Superior Court . Odyssey Portal subscriptions are provided by the Clerk's Office. Then select "District and Municipal · Magistrate, State, and Superior Records Search. This court hears all adoption, family law, juvenile, criminal, civil, small claims, and probate cases. Perry Parkway Perry, Georgia 31069 California Rule of Court 10. Certified copies are $2. Superior Court of California County of Fresno. Google™ Translate is a free online language translation service that can translate text and web pages into different languages. it's usually for one of two reasons. PDF format. g. · Search Search. Please follow the link to register or sign in with your eFileCalifornia account. For birth, death, marriage, Court case files are public records and subject to public inspection. Records Request Form; Request Remote Hearings; Request Transcripts; Search Search. If you need assistance finding records, consider seeking help from your local library, the Indiana State Library, or the Indiana Supreme Court Law Library. Online Case Search. 2-1-1. New online case search is now available, reSearchGa allows you to search case information for participating counties across Georgia. Notice: The Court launched a new civil case management system on October 12, 2021. R. To ensure that all procedures are followed and the rights of all parties are protected, it is advised to seek legal counsel from a licensed attorney. Mail the completed form to Santa Barbara County Superior Court, ATTN: Records 312-C E. 135 West Cherokee Avenue Cartersville, Georgia 30120 Suite 233; 770-387-5025 Superior Court: The trial court in each county of the State of California. The official court record is maintained by the Court of record. All court records are handled with extreme care and confidentiality during the conversion Search Search. Hearing and Case Records Superior Court 360-786-5560 Family and Juvenile Court Tumwater, WA 98512 Phone: 360-709-3201 Monday–Friday: 8:00 am–5:00 pm. Due to this change, the party search feature in the public portal will be removed and confined to search by case number and all party searches be performed separately. Those looking for Sacramento County probate court records online for free can utilize the Sacramento Superior Court Public Portal. Criminal Court Records Search. Calhoun Street – Room 200A Fort Wayne, IN 46802. Electronic Access to Court Records Foreclosure Pre-foreclosure Tax Court Superior Court Special Civil Part County Surrogates Criminal Division superior court of los angeles county pauses collections on delinquent court debt due to impact of regional wildfires (01/23/2025) accessing the superior court of los angeles county during los angeles county wildfires (01/13/2025) pasadena courthouse to close for the remainder of thursday, jan. Most public court records and court exhibits can be accessed in person. There is a $5 fee for 4 hours of access. The Superior Court’s online case search portal also provides records of Staff can provide copies of documents in court files for a fee. Please allow up to 14 business days for us to process your request. A. This division also manages appeal records, prepares executions to be filed in the General Execution and Lien Docket. 50 for each additional page. Translate this page. Cause Number: (Enter cause number with all or without any dashes. · Any person who willfully destroys or alters any court record maintained in electronic form is subject to the penalties imposed by Government Code Section 6201. Copies of actual documents or a docket cost $. Welcome to the Superior Court of Tulare. The Fresno Court will start accepting CARE petitions on December 2, 2024: Archives Department is responsible for storing, maintaining and retrieving case files and records for the court, and operates as the court's mail distribution system. All court records and documents are maintained in the Skagit County Clerk's Office. Please click on one of the links below to order court records directly: District Court Records; Superior Court Records; For more information and FAQs about access to court records, please visit the Access to Court Records Brochure at the Washington Courts website. Effective 12/28/2024, Superior Court filing fees have increased pursuant to Supreme Court Administrative Order 2024-0210. Name Search: Family Law, Civil, Limited Civil, Probate and Adoption cases send your request along with a self-addressed stamped envelope for return mailing: Court Records 725 Court Street (P. Trial Courts - Circuit. B Winder, Georgia 30680 Phone: (770) 307-3035 Fax: (770) 867-4800 Per California Rule of Court 2. Staff . All Civil, Civil Appeal, Family Law and Probate case records are now available in the eCourt Public Court Clerk's Office Information. Tierra Buena Lane Surprise, AZ 85374 · Weddings will be conducted by appointment only Monday through Friday, from 2:00 until 4:30 p. Office Hours: 8:30 a. Portal Log In. County Court Records Harris County Court - Civil Only; District Court Records Harris County District Clerk - Civil, Criminal, and Family; Justice of the Peace Records Harris County Justice of the Peace - Civil and Criminal (All 16 Justice Courts) · Case Search. Pursuant to California Rules of Court 2. Ashley St. To obtain an "Official Certified" record of the Court, please visit the Court and request the specific documents in person or do so in writing. While eSearch can still be used for searching land records or historical records, please note that for criminal and civil documents, it is necessary to use reSearchGa. If the case you search for does not yield results, please contact the court to inquire about public availability. Mail the completed form to Del Norte Superior Court, ATTN: Records Request, 450 H Street, Room 209, Crescent City, CA 95531. The purpose of this system is to provide the ability to research and locate Superior Court of California, County of El Dorado Civil, Criminal, Family Law, Probate and Traffic matters for a particular case / citation number. Box 943 Newnan GA 30264 Please note that the court docket is subject to change, however the staff of the State Court Clerk's Office makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of its web page. For access to criminal case minute · Court Records Criminal Law Disability and Language Access Divorce and Marriage Domestic Violence Family and Children Superior Court District 33; District Court District 33; County Information. Court staff will not process multiple search requests over the phone. In this function, the Clerk must review court documents for possible errors, perform acts required by law, issue Clerk of Dougherty Superior Court, Evonne Mull Chief Deputy Clerk - Phyllis Johnson. · Click here to search for: Records Maintained by Clerk - click here to see what records are maintained by the clerk’s office. 126, Albany, GA 31701 . 503(c) allow. 225 Pine Ave. Pursuant to 68511. The Clerk of the Superior Court makes no warranty of any kind with respect to The purpose of the Public Case Access System is to provide the ability to research and locate Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento cases on a particular individual or a case number. The Clerk of the Superior Court is responsible for maintaining court records, recording real estate transactions such as warranty deeds, quit claim deeds, security deeds, assignments, right-of-way deeds, easements, and property plats. Human Services. Court records for closed or inactive cases (sometimes called "legacy cases") are not available as electronic records except in traffic cases. The user understands and agrees that Gila County Courts are not responsible for any errors A one-stop search engine to review court cases, past and present, from traffic tickets to felony crimes, divorces to civil torts, by name, For Historical Case Searchs of case records that are not contained in the online search applications listed above, you will need to request a manual case record search either in writing or in person at In 2017, all Chatham County Courts — Recorders', Magistrate, Probate, State, and Superior Court --converted to the Odyssey Case Management System. A name search requires the person’s full legal name (and any aliases At the courthouse you can search the criminal index online, or search the microfiche. About Macon County Superior Court Criminal: (706) 653-4353 In accordance with O. Case Types. S. For additional information on records searches, including on Public Records. Any and all information contained within the Superior Court's database is recorded with an understanding that the information is true and correct in as far as all aspects of the documents physically filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court. All rights Find quick access to Spokane County court records. In-person records requests can be made at either branch, regardless of which branch stores the records. If you need to see information from a case file, contact Court Records; TURN OFF YOUR "POP UP BLOCKER" if you cannot see the case information window. Probate Court Records Search Court functions may change outside what has been Case Number Search DA Number Search: The Court Index is a list of cases that have been filed with the court. Final dispositions are available and entered within 24 hours of the hearing date. Connect face-to-face with a Superior Court support staff member. You may request a records search by mail. The Clerk's office is dedicated to providing prompt, knowledgeable, and professional service to the, Court, members of the bar, and the public. Click on the below icons to Please Note: Name and Case information found on the search site is provided for use as reference material and is not the official court record. Online Case Access ; Online Case Index Search ; Administrative Records ; Civil and Small Claims Records ; Criminal Records ; Cleaning Up Your Criminal Record ; Criminal Defense Attorney Case Access Records Request. Box 911) Martinez, CA 94553 Welcome to The Superior Court of California, County of Stanislaus Portal. Access the Magistrate, State, and Superior records search website. If the fee is unknown, you can Search. Community. Some laws, rules of court, and court orders make some case records confidential. Contact the Criminal Division at 703-771-5610 for more Search for land deeds and records. · Welcome to the Clerk of Superior Court. THE FULTON COUNTY CLERK OF SUPERIOR In partnership with the Georgia Superior Court Clerk’s Cooperative Authority (GSCCCA) and the Fulton County Clerk of Courts, Ch?é Alexander, please join us for a free, virtual notary forum on Wednesday, April 16, 2025, from 10:00 am - 11:30 am. Regular copies are $1. Please read the disclaimer below and accept the terms to continue. The portal allows you to access current and completed cases dating back to 2008. , each alias or a. Northwest Regional Court Center 14264 W. Florida Courts. Search fee: $15. Records Request Request Court records using this form. This Online search program is provided by the Clerk of Courts as a convenience to attorneys, litigants and the general public. Find out how to reach your Clerk of Court and other offices and representatives in Alamance county. How to Access Superior Court Records. Sign Up Form. Access Judicial Records Online. Lookup civil, family law, probate, small claims, labour, personal injury and other types of California State Court cases by name, case number, party, attorney, judge, docket entry & more. Quasi-judicial Officer: The Clerk serves a quasi-judicial function. Computerized translations are only an approximation of the website's original content. It is recommended that you contact the Superior Court Clerk’s Office at 360-679-7359 ext. Effective January 1, 2025, with the Adoption of House Bill 1292, Chatham County Superior Court Clerk Tammy Records departments at each location may be reached Monday through Friday from 8:00 a. Judicial Administrative Records; Judicial Assignments & Court Calendars; Local Rules; News & Media; Resources and Related Websites; The Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin. Mission & Vision. Access to the Shasta County Superior Court’s electronic court records. On this site, you can look up Unlimited/Limited Civil, Family Law, Probate, and Small Claims cases by case number or by case name for cases filed from 1987 to present. Find a list of all case types here. By Mail. at the appropriate business office. 1st Floor. This portal site allows you to search case data and provides parties in a case with an enhanced view of their case information from the Court's case management system. Search Portal by name, citation number, county, and more. ) The Mono Superior Court does not have an online search engine that allows for access to the court’s case management system for Name Searches and Records. For access to public information from traffic cases, District Court and Circuit Court criminal, Family (Adult) Court criminal, District Court and Circuit Court civil, Family Court Civil, Land Court, Tax Appeal Court, and appellate cases. For copies of records and payment by credit card, use this form: CR-114 Criminal Records Copies Request . The office of the Clerk maintains records and processes paperwork according to the orders of the Court. Supreme Court & Court of Appeals. Common examples of confidential records include those involving child victims of sexual abuse, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered · Real Estate Search. Many probate courts offer online search portals, though physical copies of wills are typically available only at the courthouse during business hours. Link to page We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Community Development and Housing. Riverside County Probate Records. ct. Public Records Requests. No registration is required. Scam Alert: The Superior Court of Santa Cruz has been notified that an individual posing as a deputy/court security is calling court customers stating that they owe money for failing to appear. If you are an infrequent user looking to purchase certified or non-certified records, access through the Washington State Digital Archives is available. By this system, individuals can view data in probate cases filed after February 5, 2007. As Montana courts transition to a new centralized case management system, certain public records will become available through the Montana District Court Public Access Portal and the Montana Courts of Limited Jurisdiction Public Access Portal. Find information for jurors in this county. Advanced Search Menu; Contracts eCourt Public Portal provides information about Civil, Probate and Family Law cases, but does not include Criminal, Juvenile, or Traffic cases. If you require a record search by name and DOB or DL, please use the Contact Us page to submit a criminal records request. Time Waiver The most current filings may or may not be in the system. 500(e)(3) requires a procedure to request judicial administrative records. This service includes paying traffic citations, accessing case and calendar information, checking jury status, and tentative rulings. CAPTCHA · Bartow County Courthouse. Acquire Copies. For eCourts: You may search online for case information and court records by name, case number, attorney, and more. Exhibits are maintained in several locations throughout the San Bernardino Superior Court. Ex: John Jones. You can search court dockets, view oral arguments, find court calendars, access SJC briefs, and more. Lookup civil, family law, probate, small claims, labour, personal injury and other types of Virginia State Court cases by name, case Many court records, including documents and audio recordings, can be accessed online via the KC Script Portal. Do not fill in the dollar amount. Public Resources. You can also request and purchase records at one of these locations as needed. Check case records online. California Rules of Court, rule 2. Magistrate and State Judicial Records Search. Also, see the Remote Public Access Program to learn more about licensing for data access and extracts. All copies will be 8 and a half inches by 11 inches in size. Individuals can easily find family court case records such as divorce, custody, and paternity at the San Mateo County Superior Court Family Law Division · Houston County Annex 200 Carl Vinson Parkway Warner Robins, Georgia 31088 Houston County Courthouse 201 N. Superior Court Main Campus 2000 Lakeridge Drive Southwest Building 2 Olympia, WA 98502 Phone: 360-786-5560 Fax: 360-754-4060 Monday–Friday: 8:00 am–5:00 pm. Pursuant to A. The county's probate court maintains the related case documents, which detail case events and activities, such as the petitions/motions filed, parties involved Search Property Records [ Employee Login] Jackie W. Search Case Index. Appling State: Coweta Superior: Irwin Superior: Richmond Superior: Appling Superior: Crawford Superior: Jackson State: Rockdale State: Atkinson Superior: All Philadelphia Municipal Court docket numbers begin with ‘MC-51’ (Example: MC-51-SU-0009999-2017). Superior Court Records Hall of Justice, Room 218 800 South Victoria Ave Ventura, CA 93009 Tel (805) 289-8668. Please utilize the link below for the applicable instructions: Account Creation and Search Instructions. Link to page; WA State Records Search This link is used to search for and view Superior Court cases in Washington State. View the Daily Court Calendar Superior Court of California County of Napa. ". If you have any questions or need help with the new search tool please chat with us below. A search of court case records on this website is NOT a criminal history records check of a person. The fee for searching the record is $15. The Court does not provide research services over the telephone or by email. § 15-19-51, the Clerk's Office is strictly prohibited from providing any legal advice. Court records are kept in the Clerk's Office located on the First Floor of the Clark County Courthouse. Home » Courts and Judicial Services » Benton & Franklin Counties Superior Court strives to adjudicate all cases in a manner that is timely, fair, impartial & endeavors to respect diversity, ethics and individuals’ rights. The San Luis Obispo County Superior Court launched re:SearchCA, a web-based platform that grants registered users remote access to public court records and documents. 9, Search Search. Enter the required search information with an * and then press the "Search" button to continue. How to Obtain Court Records . 50 per page/side. Civil eFiling. Information about Loudoun General District Court, including the traffic, civil and criminal divisions. For example, either 02-1-12345-1 or 021123451 is correct. Phone: 559-730-5000 South County Justice Center 300 E Olive Ave. Superior Court of California, County of Monterey Case Portal Annual Reports Attorney Search Case Records - Trial Court CDR Codes Court of Appeals Opinions Court Calendar Court Forms Court Rosters Court Rules E-Filing for Judiciary and Clerks Judicial Advisory Opinions Monthly Reports Orders Search SC Code of Laws Supreme Court Case Records Search; Case Records Search. To view Criminal Cases visit - http://www. The database is an electronic collection of court records displayed as a register of actions or Search Civil and Criminal Cases by case number or by last name, first name. Family Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) If you come into Court and have our staff do the search, you must provide the case number, case name, title of the document(s) requested, and file date of the document(s). Superior Court cases started entering into the system in 1995 when the courts were combined. Provide a check payable to the El Dorado Superior Court, for an amount “not to exceed $_____, and your request will be processed timely. The purpose of this system is to provide the ability to, make a traffic payment online, research and locate Superior Court of California, County of Placer Criminal, Civil, Traffic, and Family Law matters and create an online account to view your electronic case file for existing cases in the County of Placer. For online court records, the information includes the offender’s name, DOB, charges, timeline of court appearances, The Court furthermore assumes no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of information retrieved from this site. Cost Schedule - Criminal. To search the microfiche, you will need the defendant's name, date of birth, and the year the case was filed. Court Locations. 7741 Roswell Road Atlanta, GA 30350 (404) 613-5313 Operational Hours 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Mon. Court case files are public records and subject to public inspection. Vital Records. Find out more information about the Judge J. The Superior Court allows requests to be made in person, online, or by mail. 00. Review details about real estate. " Disclaimer To conduct independent research, you can visit the Deed Room and utilize our computer lab or search online on the 3rd party site Georgia Superior Court Clerk's Cooperative Authority . * Calendar Search: where you can choose a date and court location, ONLINE CASE SEARCH. ) This section of the website provides users with information about Supreme and Appellate, civil, family, criminal, motor vehicle, housing, and small claims cases. Main navigation. Visitors to this site agree that the Court is not liable for errors or omissions or any of the information provided. Visit the Supreme Court's website for Virginia for Case information. - Fri. Judge J. Public Services + search. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Tulare County Superior Court. 1. Request Records. Public Computer. Find a Court Case. Search by name, citation number, county, and more. For some pre-1979 court records, there are limited microfiche available to search online. Abstracts of marriage are $35. The local filing fee schedule can be accessed here. If you do not have a criminal Record Search Center. Search for Superior Court Cases; To obtain your case number, go to the Odyssey Portal. m. Toggle navigation. You can obtain records at View daily list (PDF) Search court dockets, calendars, and case information Sign up for civil court date text reminders (PDF) Forms Filing fees Protocols and tips for remote hearings Understanding the Criminal Court Process Jury duty information for Norfolk County Superior Court The Superior Court is composed of four Judges. Box 1748 971 N Jason Lopez Circle, Building A Florence, AZ 85132. Online Case Records and Traffic Payments: Click the link below to search public case information, make a traffic payment, justice partner access, and attorney of record access. Tarrant Appraisal District. Mary Hardin Thornton Floyd County Superior Court Physical Address: 3 Government Plaza, Suite 101 Rome, GA 30161 Mailing Address: P O Box 1110 is an elected official charged with the filing and safekeeping of land and property records as well as the civil and criminal files of the court. County Clerk of Superior Court; Case or Name Search; Case or Name Search You may search for a case by a party's name or case number. If you need help finding your upcoming court date, please contact us during business hours, online through Live Chat or by phone at (253)798-7487. Examples of confidential case records include records filed in “juvenile dependency” cases (when a child is removed from their parents) and “juvenile delinquency” cases (when a child is accused of committing a crime). Court Forms; Court Calendar; Departments . In-person records requests may be made during regular business hours of 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. You can use our records portal to: View case information or scheduled hearings Superior Court of California County of Monterey. If you receive a call of this nature, please contact the court directly at 831-420-2200 to receive accurate information. Scheduled Cases by Last Name* at District Court - Some cases may not be listed here. Search by Last Name/First Name. C. Click the button below to search records by name. Sheila Butler - Elected Superior Court Clerk of Paulding County . Box 1349. The Clerk of Superior Court holds one of the most important offices in North Carolina local government and is vital to the local administration of justice; however, few people realize the complexity and diversity of the Clerk's responsibilities. By following the procedures and policies set forth by the Court we will preserve and protect all exhibits filed with the Court, keeping them safe, secure and confidential. The County Clerk & District Clerk court records search allows you to search for criminal court case records in Bexar Odyssey provides court staff with a more intuitive, modernized data entry format, offers a specialized edition tailored for use by judicial officers, strengthens the court's data reporting requirements, and over the long-term will support a completely paperless, electronic filing system that reduces waste and eliminates the need to track and move physical files. Therefore, the information provided herein is without guarantee, warranty or representation of any kind whatsoever. All requests for files must include the name of the case and docket number. and 5:00 p. Effective January 1, 2025– HB 1292 requires all real estate self-filers to electronically file deeds, liens, and maps through the Georgia Superior Court Clerks Authority (GSCCCA) electronic portal. 50 per page. Rule 2. MENU CLOSE. . Mailing Address · 3/14/25 - 15th Judicial District courts and probation close early due to weather Submit a Request for Audio Recording of Court Proceedings to the Clerk's Office at the Superior Court, Attention: Records, 240 Church Street, Salinas, CA 93901. Information about the renovation schedule, closures, and new locations for Windsor Superior Court and the Judicial Bureau can be found here. Under the dropdown for "Record Series", select Superior Court Records. Disclaimer While every effort is made to keep information provided over the Internet accurate and up-to-date, Augusta does not certify the authenticity or accuracy of such Record Search Center. Mailing Address P. Board of Equalization. To search the records, however, an account must be created on the system. Slaton Courthouse 136 Pryor Street Suite C155 Atlanta, GA 30303 This information is provided for use as reference material and is not the official court record. Include the following information: Case name & number; Request for a Record Search or Copies of Court Document By Mail. Odyssey Portal Registration. Search Search. gov. Records are retained in the clerks' business offices pursuant to Government Code section 68152. If you wish to obtain copies of disposed Superior Court records, requests for files must be e-mailed to: SuperiorCourtRecordsCenter@jud. Holiday Calendar · The Superior Court is created to resolve criminal felony cases, civil cases, juvenile offender and dependency cases, family law cases including parentage matters and adoptions, private and guardianship matters, domestic violence cases, mental health cases, and appeals from the District and Municipal Courts in Kitsap County. For criminal case records, visit the Criminal Record Request Portal. 50 per page and certified copies (raised court seal) are $35. CourtConnect allows access to civil dockets by: searching a person's name, business name or case type; searching for judgments against a person or business Search for attorneys using either name or bar number with this application. Civil Division FAQ's. As a mandated office, we are responsible for the maintenance of the records The Clerk of Superior Court is the custodian for many court records in Mecklenburg County. This conversion was necessitated as the prior case management system had reached the end of its service life. The Kern County Superior Court provides different avenues for interested persons to conduct a Family Court Case search: online, by mail, and in person. Background Check Request Form The Criminal Division maintains filings and records of dispositions (judicial decisions. Florida Courts Jurisdiction. For in-person or by-mail requests, inquirers can visit or draft a written Search Case History Superior Court . gsccca. 00 per document. We will provide said records to the court, members of the law enforcement community, and the public that we serve. Please note, only Superior Court criminal case minute entries entries recorded in the court's document management system on or after January 1, 2010 will be available. Follow the instructions below to locate the case number for the file you are Court case files are public records and subject to public inspection. Superior Court Juvenile Records; A Speaker; A Courthouse Experience; A Camera; A CASA Volunteer; Learn About. Due to the ongoing digitization of court records, please contact the Court Branch which handles the particular case type for instructions about on-site records searches. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the e-File process, please contact the Houston County Superior Court Clerk’s Office, Real Estate Division, at 478-218-4720 or the Georgia Superior Court Clerks’ Cooperative Authority customer support at 1-800-304-5174 or [email protected]. Cases that are off-site or in the The Windsor Superior Court in White River Junction is closed for renovations. Judiciary Records Retention Schedules have been issued pursuant to Administrative Directive #3-01 and subsequent related directives. Lookup civil, family law, probate, small claims, labour, personal injury and other types of state court cases by name, case number, party, attorney, judge, docket entry & more. G. · Records 9. · D. Information available on this site is limited to what the California Rules of Court, rules 2. O. Trial Courts - County. Case records and calendars for all County Courts at Law, Probate Courts, and Justice of the Peace Courts are searchable by going to the following page: The search will be limited to a combination of first, middle, and last names. eFile. · Copies of court documents also are not available on the site. Please enter your search term in the box below and click the submit button. Certified copies of a Superior Court Final Disposition can be picked up in person at the Clerk's Office, on the ground floor of the DeKalb County Courthouse. North County Municipal Court cases are available from Pursuant to state law, the Superior Court Clerks Cooperative Authority is expanding the statewide uniform automated information system for real and personal property records, (provided for by Code Sections 15-6-97 and 15-6-98), by the addition of a database for Map and Plat records. · Search online court records from superior courts, justice courts, circuit courts, and other US State Courts for free. Records search hours: Mon – Fri, 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM excluding court holidays. Year (Last 2 digits) * The Superior Court Clerk's Office has three records access public areas offering customers the option to view court documents for free, during business hours. No cases filed previous to this date are available in the database. Superior Court Records 4353 Vineyard Ave Oxnard, CA 93036 Record search requests may be submitted in person, via e-mail, or in writing. Jury Service. Criminal Courthouse. 00 per name if the search is over 10 minutes and copies are $. Click anywhere else on the screen to close this dialog box. Certain records may not be available for public inspection in accordance with Federal and State statutes and the Rules Governing the Courts of the State of New Jersey or court order. "Keeper of the Records" Effective January 1, 2025. The information available on MCRO is limited to case, hearing, and monetary judgment search results; case record information; Registers of Actions; monetary judgment details; and documents for publicly accessible district court case records that may also be available online, as defined by Rule 8, subd. Superior Court of California, County of Monterey. The official court record is maintained by the court of record. Juvenile Court is a division of Superior Court established by law to deal with youths under the age of 18 who commit offenses or who are dependent Presiding Judge, Judge Derek Vanderwood; Court Administrator, Pamela Hartman Beyer(ZOOM) Remote Trial & Hearing Information Mission Statement"To serve the public by administering justice and resolving disputes under the law, thereby protecting the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of the State of Washington and the United States. 6 for information about the availability of court files. For the public's convenience, a computer terminal is available to do routine records checks and to locate and verify cause/case numbers. Criminal Division. 00 plus an additional $0. Learn More Superior Court Docket: Criminal Court Case Information. Superior Court The public information viewed on our online case search system reflects the docket entries in civil, criminal, criminal domestic violence and tax cases, probate cases for large estates and small estates, disclaimers of interest, major litigation, wills, and foreign estate proceedings. Family Law. The official language used for the content of the Los Angeles Superior Court public website is English. Offender Certificate of Discharge (PDF Customers can access a search for case number by party or defendant name in the Los Angeles Superior Court via a secure web server. Lewis R. The electronic portal can be accessed by logging onto efile. Directory of online resources applicable to the Plumas County Superior Court in Plumas County, California Public Records Search - You May Discover Birth & Death, Property, Criminal & Traffic, Marriage & Divorce Records, & More! Filing Fees Increase 12/28/2024. In This Section. should have its own form) Searches will be limited to a maximum of 10 names or 10 case records per day A Visa or Mastercard and expiration date is required on each form Niki Sewell, Clerk of Superior Court Coweta County Justice Center 72 Greenville Street Newnan, Georgia 30263 . For Superior Court, State Court, Magistrate Court, and Probate Court Estate cases, click on Tyler Odyssey Portal. Search Menu Search Quick links. In San Diego, the Superior Court Clerk maintains probate case records. In order to view the Case Management Search application your browser will need to open a new window. Party Search or Case Search by Party. Last Name: First Name: Search by Initials and Date of Birth. 2 of the Minnesota Rules of Public Access Search criminal, civil and family law cases by title or case number. 00 per name for the last ten (10) years. § 12-284, copy fees are $0. THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO (Court) REQUIRES THAT YOU CAREFULLY READ, UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING A Ventura County family court case search can be performed at the Ventura County Superior Court records department. Record Search: $15. While the court strives to ensure accuracy of the information it provides, the court recognizes that on occasion errors occur. Butte County Superior Court cases are available from 1988 onward. Georgia Real Estate and Notary Records Search. 96001. Pursuant to Government Code Section (GC) 70627(c), the court will charge a fee for searching records, files or estate documents as outlined below: GC70627(c) for searches of court records and files: The fee for search of records or files conducted by a court employee that requires more than ten (10) minutes is fifteen dollars ($15) for each search. Court Records Division: Please note that ePortal is an optional alternative to viewing court records remotely. , Monday through Friday. Mailing Address: Superior Court of California, County of Mendocino 100 The Clerk of Superior Court is elected to administer the proper registration and retention of official documents. This link to the Fees provides the current cost of research and copying services available. Plumas County Superior Court in Plumas County, California Court Online Resources. Subdivision and Land Use Regulations. All files must be viewed within the records section of the court's business office. Online Case Search is now available for the public to access the Newton County Clerk of Superior Courts civil / criminal records via online. Infrequent Users. 50 for the first page, $. In Riverside County, California, probate proceedings mainly pertain to the administration of decedents' estates, that is, distributing or sharing a deceased individual's assets to the proper parties. Newer records may be available online. Find My Court Date - To search for a Pierce County District Court hearing date, select "Case Search". View criminal case attorneys, charges, calendars and hearings; View civil case parties, attorneys, calendars and hearings; Searches for Thurston County superior court case and hearing information may be performed using the Odyssey Portal. Superior Court Cases. The Public Case Access System provides you with the ability to search for cases by name, case number, or filing date. , San Rafael, CA 94903. Real Estate. Purchase a Court Document (Washington State Archives) - click here to order documents for a fee. This site is provided as tool for viewing the overall posture of the case, such as parties, court dates, judge assignment etc. It is not meant to take the place of the file that is retained by the Clerk of Court. County Designator. * New functions also include online document purchasing * Participants must register in order to search cases. B. Many court records can be viewed online from the Mecklenburg County Courts website. This website has information regarding upcoming court dates, pleadings filed, as well as orders entered in the case. (Magistrate Court Hearings are held here) 5600 Stonewall Tell Road, Room 219B College Park, GA 30349 Record Search Center. Please contact the Records Units for the respective case types listed below for more information. This site allows you to access the Riverside Superior Court case information. In an effort to provide ease and convenience, the Lowndes County Superior Court Clerk’s office, in conjunction with the Georgia Superior Court Clerks’ Cooperative Authority, has developed an online The Civil Division is responsible for filing, processing, storing and retrieving civil records for the Superior Court. , Redding, CA. · The exhibits department exists to uphold the ethical conduct of the Court. The Court specifically disclaims any and all liability if the Court Calendar is obtained from a third party entity. Non certified copies Search and access civil case information online 24-hours a day through Delaware CourtConnect. , Room 124 Visalia, Ca 93291. Use our Civil Court Records Search to easily locate court records by name or record number. Online Services . · The mission of Skagit County Superior Court is to deliver fair, prompt, and understandable resolutions of legal disputes. Confidential and sealed cases are not available on this portal. If case number is unknown, please click on the link below for the Case Records Search on the court's website. For current or delinquent citations, or court citations, call (415) 551-8550 or visit in person Room 145, Hall of Justice, 850 Bryant St. Civil Court Records Search. Valdosta, GA 31601. The Paulding County Clerk of Superior Court is a vital administrative office in the Judicial system of Georgia. Individuals can search for family court records in-person by visiting the clerk’s office during business hours (8:00 am to 4:30 pm) between Monday and Friday. Spokane County, Spokane County Superior Court, Clerk of the Superior Court, and Spokane County District Court: Do not warrant The official language used for the content of the Los Angeles Superior Court public website is English. Search Records Hearing Reminder Service. Electronic Access to Court Records Foreclosure Pre-foreclosure Tax Court Superior Court Special Civil Part County Surrogates Criminal Division Effective July 1, 2023, the Madera County Superior Court will accept electronically filed petitions for Domestic Violence Restraining Orders, Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Orders and Gun Violence Restraining Orders, pursuant to SB 538 (2021-22 Legislative Year), AB 887 (2021-22 Legislative Year), AB 2960 (2021-22 Legislative Year) and the court’s local rules Kern County Family Court Case Search. FREE online access to court calendars and basic case information for the Oregon circuit courts, the Tax Court, Court of Appeals, and Supreme Court. The Criminal division files misdemeanor and felony criminal cases. Record Retention Schedule. Online Services; multi-jurisdictional case search platform. Superior Judicial Records Search. If you are unable to come to the Superior Court Clerk’s Office to obtain copies, you may also do so by mail or by internet. Effective January 1, 2025-HB 1292 requires notaries to For information regarding bench, warrant status use Solano Superior Court Portal to locate case information. 7(a), the The Arizona Judicial Branch is pleased to offer online access to Superior Court criminal case minute entries in participating superior courts. Customer Service Center 601 W. Odyssey Portal Online Records Search This link is used to search for and view Superior Court cases in Cowlitz County. On-Site Records Search . Jury Duty Information. For regular copies only, write Clerk of Superior Court; Public Records Search; Starting from June 22, 2023, the public now utilizes reSearchGa for conducting public records searches. Public Access to Court Information Sealing Criminal Records; Family Division. DISCLAIMER: All information provided by the Superior Court of California, County of Contra Costa, through this Internet service is provided "as is", with no warranties, express or implied Certified court records are available in paper form at each courthouse. P. Clerk of Superior, State and Juvenile Courts 652 Barrow Park Drive Ste. Thus, the court encourages anyone seeking to rely on this information to verify it by checking any court paperwork or Pursuant to California Rules of Court 2. Governor Josh Stein has appointed two district court judges and one superior court judge for District 10, 14, and 22. The Superior Court Clerk’s Office can assist you with obtaining copies of court records, marriage licenses, orders of protection, passport applications, process server information, restitution payments and Allen County Courthouse 715 S. 00 (for For records name searches, use this form: CR-147 Criminal Records Search Request. 2. If the case was filed before 2004, it will not be in the online index. Include a check made out to Del Norte Municipal Court has it's own website. Cook Street, Santa Maria, CA 93454. The public may access electronic court records in civil and family cases at a courthouse where eFiling is available, unless the court records are "nonpublic" under MRECS or confidential by law. As the industry-leading electronic filing solution for courts, Odyssey® eFileGA allows users to easily open court cases and e-file documents from a single website to a number of Georgia courts Traffic Records: The court does NOT maintain traffic driving records. Legacy cases. Record Searches by Name For viewing hard copy court files, the public may request to view a file by filling out the required court form and showing a valid driver's license or other valid photo I. · The Clerk of Superior Court is a Constitutional Officer, meaning the position was created by act of the Legislature in the state constitution and has been a county constitutional officer since the framers of the Georgia Constitution of 1798 provided for the election of the Clerk of Superior Court Gila County Court Web Page Disclaimer: All parties submitting materials to the Gila County Court Web represent and warrant that the submission, installation, copying, distribution, and use of such materials in connection with the Gila County Court Web will not violate any other party's proprietary rights. If more than 200 cases exist, you will need to narrow down your search. If the document you're looking for isn't available online, you'll need to contact the clerk's office in the county where the case is being heard. 506 Find information on how to access electronic case information and calendars for the Supreme Judicial Court (SJC), Appeals Court, and Trial Court. Mail or take a letter to the Clerk’s Office asking them to search for you. Sumter Street Oglethorpe, Georgia, 31068 Phone: 478-472-7661 Fax: 478-472-4775 Contact by Email . Ph: 229-333-5127 Superior Court Clerk Records Request Form. a. Fee Schedule. The Public Index shall not be The Rhode Island Judiciary Public Portal (Public Portal) , which is separate from the case management system or the electronic filing system, is the point of entry for electronic access to case information from the Rhode Island Judiciary’s (Judiciary) database whether at the courthouse or remotely. Appellate Court(Supreme, Superior, Commonwealth) docket numbers begin with a number, followed by two or three letters, and then a four-digit year (Examples: 4000 WDA 2017, 4000 EAL 2017, 4000 CD 2017) ©2024 Clayton County Government 112 Smith Street| Jonesboro, GA 30236. Record Search Details: Provide one name per search request (e. Once a case number is provided, court staff will search up to 10 cases per request. You may also call the Centralized Services Unit at 860-263-2750. Online Services Save a trip to the Courthouse with online services. To search Lewis County Superior Court records, please go to the Odyssey Portal online records search. This page has general information about how to look up cases with the court. Home ; About . 550(a) says that unless confidential or sealed by law, all court records are presumed open. Terresena Harp Superior Court Clerk. PageAssist Discover your personalization options Discover your personalization options The Court Calendar shall not be re-copied or re-distributed without expressed consent from the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Barbara.