
Infinite campus ccsd. If you are a CCSD employee signing into Infinite .

Infinite campus ccsd 2018- 2019 School Year . Your CCSD Gmail will remain the same and should not be impacted by the change. TECHNOLOGY & INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES DIVISION August 2020 STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES Page 2 of 3 CAMPUS PARENT - HOW TO ACCESS 5. Aug 21, 2020 · Home / Infinite Campus. If it is not accurate, you can update your contact information there. net, or call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Monday-Friday between the hours Your Parent should be able to access your CCSD Standard User ID on their Campus Portal Account. If you are a CCSD employee signing into Infinite For questions, please call the Medicaid SHS Helpdesk on the WAN 0655-2899 or (702) 799-2899, or feel free to email us via Gmail at SHS-MedicaidHD@nv. Once you click on the Search District button, select Clark County District. Campus Parent Campus Student Infinite Campus is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. STUDENT SERVICES DIVISION CCSD has created a “How-To” Guide, available by clicking the button below. net, or call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Monday-Friday between the hours Sep 19, 2019 · 2. CCSD has implemented a content filtering application called GoGuardian, which will STUDENT SERVICES DIVISION . Aplicación Móvil Las aplcaciones móviles nuevas, Campus Student (para estudiantes) y Campus Parent (para padres) se pueden descargar de Google Play o del App Store. ) G Suite/Google (CCSD’s Email & Collaboration system) ELMS (CCSD’s professional development tracking, registration, & learning management system) Canvas LMS (Learning management system used by both students & teachers. Learn how to access Infinite Campus, the online platform for CCSD staff, parents and students. Online tutorial videos are available on the Enterprise Learning field, enter either “Campus Parent” or “Campus Student” to find the application. net, or call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Monday-Friday between the hours Apr 3, 2018 · C Resetting Passwords: Active Directory (AD), G Suite, Infinite Campus, and more To reset and/or change your password, go to myaccount. All new and returning families will register online via Infinite Campus for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year. net, or call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Monday-Friday between the hours divisiÓn de servicios de sistemas tecnolÓgicos y de informaciÓn may 2021 servicios de sistemas de informaciÓn estudiantil pág. To access Campus Passport: Open and log-in to Infinite Campus. Posted August 21, 2020. Parent o Campus Student, y/o a la Aplicación Móvil. R. net Downloading the Parent Campus App & Signing in For the First Time Click here for help accessing your account! Clark County School District, the nation’s fifth-largest school district. Infinite Campus is a district-wide student information system designed to manage attendance, grades, schedules, assessments, and other information about the students in the Clark County School District Clark County School District, the nation’s fifth-largest school district. Find technical assistance, download the mobile app, and access FAQs and manuals in English and Spanish. To submit a request to send a district wide message, complete the ParentLink Message Request form . Parents who need to activate their Infinite Campus Portal account can contact their […] Interim Superintendent Dr. net in the browser address bar, select Infinite Campus Production, OR Open Mozilla Firefox, type campus. Find links to sign in, view grades, attendance, etc. Click on the button below to log in to Campus Parent: Online Registration - Existing Student Having a problem logging into Campus Parent? Please contact your child's school with questions. Office Hours: 6:30 am - 3:00 pm Summer Hours: 6:30 am - 1:00 pm. Jan 1, 2020 · Rev N – April 2020 -y PAGE 1 Clark County School District Employee Business Training Infinite Campus Grade Book: Secondary Printable setup guides are available online at training. net, or call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Monday-Friday between the hours STUDENT SERVICES DIVISION . This document does not provide instructions on how to sign on to Campus Portal. Parents or guardians who already have an Infinite Campus account will see an announcement through Parent Portal and a link connecting them to the 2022-23 registration page. Parents/Guardians of currently enrolled students may complete online registration using their Infinite Campus account. Mar 26, 2018 · Infinite Campus Gradebook Help First Name (required) Last Name (required) Your Google (nv. Click on the icon below to log in to Campus Parent: Parents who have children new to CCSD or are returning after having left CCSD can use the link below to register. Clark county school district. Infinite Campus Information Portal (Parents/Students) Parent/Student Portal will be unavailable until Monday, July 29, 2019, at 8:00 AM (PDT). For information on how to sign on to Campus Portal, please go to ccsd. The Clark County School District does not knowingly discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, age, or disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, or participation in its programs and activities and provide equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups. Learn how to log in, reset passwords, enter security emails and contact school liaisons for help. What is Infinite Campus? A. If you are a CCSD employee signing into Infinite field, enter either “Campus Parent” or “Campus Student” to find the application. User Guide . Important: The Forgot Password recovery link on the Campus Parent/Student login page applies only to Campus Parent accounts. If you are a CCSD employee signing into Infinite Nevada Special Ed Documents New Look in Infinite Campus . k12. Your Username will need to be unique and something easy Visit Campus Parent/Student. If you are a CCSD employee signing into Infinite The new mobile applications, Campus Student (for students) and Campus Parent (for parents) can be downloaded from Google Play or the App Store. If you are a CCSD employee signing into Infinite Infinite Campus is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. A variety of support documentation is easily accessible Apr 2, 2018 · C IC knowledge base – Central Support at campus. Visit Campus Parent/Student. powered by Educational Networks Parents who have children currently registered in a CCSD school use their Campus Parent account to re-register their children or add a student. net A searchable knowledge base (Campus Tools) is available once you have logged into Infinite Campus. Clark County School District, the nation’s fifth-largest school district. Interim Superintendent Dr. Hay disponible información sobre el Portal del Campus en la página de internet de CCSD (www. Site Logins. net, or call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Monday-Friday between the hours Clark County School District, the nation’s fifth-largest school district. To access the tool: From Instruction(Gradebook View) Select the App Switcher (the menu item “Instruction”) to make the Application options visible. net, or call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Monday-Friday between the hours Infinite Campus is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. VIEW PDF Infinite Campus Portal You have to sign in to the website from a computer (not a tablet or mobile device) prior to using the mobile app. Find answers to common questions about attendance, grades, schedules, assessments, and more. Campus Parent Web Portal. District WAN - 0099-3300 Direct - 702-799-3300. You may also email 0068-SDM-portalsupport@nv. Infinite Campus; BlendED Initiative; EthicsPoint; Teacher Appreciation Week; Trustees. net. net). By James Slater. ga. Infinite Campus . Please select this video link for a brief overview of the new functionality. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone, and applying the relevant accessibility standards, however, please note that third party content is not tested for accessibility. If you are a CCSD employee signing into Infinite Visit Campus Parent/Student. net, or call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Monday-Friday between the hours Clark County School District. net, or call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Monday-Friday between the hours Visit Campus Parent/Student. Parents or guardians who already have an Infinite Campus account will see an announcement through the Parent Portal and a link connecting them to the 2021-22 registration page. 0. Clark County School District 5100 W Sahara Ave. ccsd. Sep 6, 2019 · Find guides, tips and resources for using Infinite Campus, CCSD's student information system. If you are a CCSD employee signing into Infinite Sep 26, 2017 · Infinite Campus . For technical assistance, contact the Campus Liaison at your child's school during school hours. The Technology and Information Systems Services Division (TISS) provides technology related leadership, coordination, resources, and support needed to achieve the District mission. net) Email Address (required) Contact Phone (required) Subject The Clark County School District determines access to Campus Portal. net, or call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Monday-Friday between the hours C l a r k C o u nt y S c h o o l D i st r i c t FAQs Campus Parent/Student FAQs The purpose of this document is to provide answers to frequently asked questions related to Campus Bienvenido a la inscripción en línea del CCSD. P. CCSD is committed to providing a learning and work environment free from discrimination on the basis of race, creed/religion, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, marital status or age, in admission or access to, treatment or employment in, or participation in its programs and activities, and Visit Campus Parent/Student. Infinite Campus; CCSD Archive Committee; Pollen and Mold Alert; Gold Card for Seniors; https://campus. Student Education Management Systems - SEMS Interim Superintendent Dr. To help you more effectively monitor the progress of your child, the Clark County School District uses Infinite Campus to help parents and students track the academic progress of each student. Para obtener información sobre cómo iniciar la sesión en el Portal del Campus, favor de ira a ccsd. ccsd. Para obtener información sobre cómo iniciar la sesión en el Portal del Campus, por favor diríjase a ccsd. ¿Qué es Campus Messenger? R. With Infinite Campus, there are changes in options for parents whose students' names and/or gender identities differ from their legal documentation. Q. Click on Infinite Campus. net, or call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Monday-Friday between the hours Jul 1, 2021 · Families with currently enrolled students can complete registration using Parent Portal via Infinite Campus (campusportal. net for more information. In. Click on Campus Passport. Campus Parent - Getting Started. Student Education Management Systems . us and be sure to include your name and the student information. This is the student CCSD Standard Account. If you are a CCSD employee signing into Infinite Parents who have children currently registered in a CCSD school use their Campus Parent account to re-register their children or add a student. The CCSD Standard account is what students will use to log into all computers on campus or school Chromebooks, Infinite Campus, Canvas, Clever, and Office 365. net or visit their zoned school. Student Education Management Systems - SEMS . Mar 26, 2018 · C Campus Passport (Formerly Infinite Campus University) Visit Campus Passport for online classes and training. Please visit https://stutech. The CCSD Standard User ID is a combination of your first name and a random number assigned to you. Infinite Campus; CCSD Archive Committee; Pollen and Mold Alert; Gold Card for Seniors; Interim Superintendent Dr. Learn how to access and use the Campus Portal, a web-based system that provides real-time information about your child's school performance and activities. 2017- 2018 School Year . Apr 2, 2018 · By default, school administrators and those granted the Building Communicator role in Infinite Campus are able to send messages. The system provides detailed, real-time information, including demographics, schedules, assignments, assessment scores, calendar, grades, attendance, graduation progress, school notices and much more information. To locate a student email address and username parents may: Log in to the Campus Parent Portal Clark County School District, the nation’s fifth-largest school district. ) Contact Information. New families to CCSD may register online at register. If you did not provide the student's SSN at registration, contact campus@clarke. Call 702-799-2580 ext 4065 or email Erin Berg at morrier@nv. Bienvenido a "Campus Parent" para el Distrito Escolar Consolidado de la Comunidad 15. For assistance, choose the following options: Infinite Campus™: Option 1; AD Log-on or password resets: Option 2 Q. Infinite Campus is a web-based platform for CCSD students and parents to access grades, assignments, schedules, attendance and more. This system will provide detailed, real-time information, including: Calendar, Schedules, Attendance, Grades, Health (Immunizations Only), Assignments, Academic Planner, Academic Progress, Fees/Payments, To Do Lists, Reports, District/School Notices, Cafeteria Balance By default, school administrators and those granted the Building Communicator role in Infinite Campus are able to send messages. Elementos de Seguridad (Security Features) El Portal del Campus incorpora el más alto nivel de seguridad. Click on Community. Elementos de Seguridad El Portal del Campus comprende el más alto nivel de seguridad. We look forward to assisting you. If you are a CCSD employee signing into Infinite Pathway: sems. net{ campus/ user/ accountMaintenanw'accountMaintenance. sems. In the upper right side of the window, select the App Switcher tab. Select Campus Tools Click Search Select Help from the drop […] Jul 20, 2022 · Families with currently enrolled students can complete registration using Parent Portal via Infinite Campus (campusportal. To retrieve a Campus Parent/Student username: The new mobile applications, Campus Student (for students) and Campus Parent (for parents) can be downloaded from Google Play or the App Store. Who do I contact for assistance with 504 plans in Infinite Campus? Please call the SEMS Helpdesk on the WAN 0655-0295 or (702) 799-0295, or feel free to email SEMS Helpdesk via Gmail at 0068-SDM-semshd@nv. (School Nurses, FASA’s, Floaters, etc. Did you find this FAQ helpful? 22 8 Jul 2, 2015 · Infinite Campus is a Web-based system that helps parents and guardians effectively monitor the progress of their students. Infinite Campus is a district-wide student information system designed to manage attendance, grades, schedules, assessments, and other information about the students in the Clark County School District Apr 15, 2024 · Registration is done through the CCSD online registration system. Current CCSD Standard ID (Active Directory) button and follow the appropriate steps. Most district applications can only be accessed from a computer on the CCSD network, however, systems […] Parents who have children currently registered in a CCSD school use their Campus Parent account to re-register their children or add a student. Campus Messenger (Mensajero de Campus) permite la comunicación entre el personal, estudiantes y padres y/o tutores a través de Proceso, Buzón del Portal y Correos Electrónicos. ACCESO A LA INSCRIPCIÓN EN LÍNEA 1. All K-12 school districts use a database system for managing student information and maintaining student records. User Account. net in the browser address bar, OR Double click the IC shortcut on desktop Enter AD credentials in the Log In window and hit enter. net, or call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Monday-Friday between the hours Interim Superintendent Dr. An example for John Doe might be: John. Sign in with your CCSD AD account. Infinite Campus System CCSD Staff. QUESTION: Since the Clark County School District (CCSD) Report Card reflects a student’s mastery of grade-level standards, how should grades be recorded for assessments measuring standards below the student’s grade level? Example: 5th grade student receives an 88% or “Meeting” on an assessment based on 3rd grade standards. Log In to the Mobile App When logging in to the mobile app, type “Clark” into the District Name field, and select Nevada in the State field. Password Visit Campus Parent/Student. In the search field, enter either Campus Parent or Campus Student to find the application. – See form for specific user types. Sep 6, 2019 · Infinite Campus is our student information system used for tracking attendance, grades, behavior, etc. For additional information please visit the CCSD Medicaid School Health Services website. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD DIVISIÓN DE SERVICIOS DE TECNOLOGÍA E INFORMACIÓN May 2021 SERVICIOS DE SISTEMAS DE INFORMACIÓN ESTUDIANTIL Pág. 123456@nv. Este es el primer paso para reinscribir a su hijo en la escuela. Parents of currently enrolled students can register using the link on the left-hand side once logged into their Infinite Campus Portal account. Infinite Campus is linked to the District’s Finalsite mass notification system. Student Services Division . net > Resources > SEMS Infinite Campus Resources > SEMS Infinite Campus Quick References. Los padres/tutores legales Spring Valley High School. Learn how to access and use Campus Parent/Student, a secure website that provides real-time student information for parents/guardians and students in CCSD. net, or call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Monday-Friday between the hours Contact Information. The Nevada IEP, Data Plan, Service Plan, and Evaluation documents have been completely rewritten with the New Look of Infinite Campus. Campus Parent Campus Student proporciona indicaciones sobre como iniciar la sesión en el Portal del Campus. Please check back after the above date to access the Parent/Student Portal. If you are a CCSD employee signing into Infinite Clark County School District, the nation’s fifth-largest school district. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD Aug 20, 2020 · 2. 4 of 4 campus para padres/estudiantes - preguntas mÁs frecuentes Clark County School District, the nation’s fifth-largest school district. Enter a Username. Log In to the Mobile App When logging in to the mobile app, type “Clark” into the District Name field, and ¿ Có mo p u e d e n l o s p a d re s / t u to re s c re a r s u c u e nta d e Ca mp u s p a ra Pa d re s ? Las cuentas Campus para Padres son creadas por el Enlace del Campus escolar de su hijo. . En el campo de búsqueda, ingrese ya sea Campus Parent o Campus Student para encontrar la aplicación. net, pulse en Infinite Campus. The Clark County School District (CCSD) serves 300,000 students - each with unique skills, talents, passions, and stories to tell, each of whom deserves the best education possible to allow them to realize their hopes and dreams for the future. Parents will be able to select the correct information for their student's identity (in terms of gender, preferred pronouns, or name) by following 2 simple steps: Interim Superintendent Dr. Online tutorial videos are available on the Enterprise Learning Interim Superintendent Dr. 2 de 3 CAMPUS PARA PADRES - COMO ACCEDER Actualizar o Recuperar Nombre de Usuario/Contrasena Sep 19, 2019 · 2. Shadow Ridge High School 5050 Brent Lane Las Vegas, NV 89131 P: (702) 799-6699 F: (702) 799-4698 Office Hours: M-F 6:30 am - 2:30 pm CCSD *Pursuant to Regulation 5144, students are hereby informed that they will be subject to search when they enter campus after the beginning of the school day. You will need: student name, grade level, CCSD student ID number, last 4 digits of student SSN, and student date of birth. Pulse en Infinite Campus. Si usted es una familia D15 existente, ingrese su Nombre de Usuario y Contraseña de los padres para iniciar sesión en su cuenta de Padres del Campus. ) This internal form can only be accessed from within CCSD: Request Additional Rights to Infinite Campus – Central Office Users Interim Superintendent Dr. proporciona instrucciones sobre cómo iniciar la sesión en el Portal del Campus. Contact User Support Services Help Desk Support. Learn how to access, manage and report grades, attendance, behavior and more. CCSD uses Active Directory (AD) to manage the account you use to login to school district computers and applications. After completing the online registration, parents/guardians must bring Interim Superintendent Dr. Student Education Management Systems - SEMS PATH: Campus Parent/Student Portal or Mobile App > Login Page From the Campus Parent/Student portal or mobile app login page, select the Fo rgo t Pa s swo rd orFo rgo t U s e r n a me recovery linksto retrieve a username (parents/guardians and students) or to reset a password (parents only). Security Features Jan 1, 2020 · Rev N – April 2020 -y PAGE 1 Clark County School District Employee Business Training Infinite Campus Grade Book: Secondary Printable setup guides are available online at training. If prompted, select Clark County School District, Nevada. campus Infinite Campus for users who are based out of non-school locations, even if you end up working at a school. To help you more effectively monitor the progress of your child, the Clark County School District provides a web based system. Please ensure your contact information listed in Infinite Campus' Campus Parent portal is accurate. How to Log Out Select LOGOUT from the Toolbar Visit Campus Parent/Student. For questions about your access rights, please contact your child’s school. Brenda Larsen-Mitchell. Infinite Campus (Student information system used by central and school office personnel, teachers, etc. Los padres que ya tienen a sus hijos en una escuela del CCSD accederán al Portal para padres de Infinite Campus (Infinite Campus Parent Portal) para inscribirlos. Infinite Campus is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. Log In to the Mobile App When logging in to the mobile app, type “Clark” into the District Name field, and Visit Campus Parent/Student. To login, use your AD credentials. Technology and Information Systems. i cm I ?forceSetP User Settings Set User Account Recovery Emai I Dislikes A ctivties AND Animals Food I Other Sports Enter your email address Set User Preferences O Likes A ctivties Animals Food I Other You have selected O of 8 likes Your Likes You r Dislikes Sports Clark County School District, the nation’s fifth-largest school district. net for technical support. xrqpvy dejyo lctsb njlesb tjeo xlvzdb lwfujcw gaq sbrfa ksce vfgw dckegu gdaj wyubl ewlk