K3s vs docker reddit. But you can install on virtual or bare metal.
K3s vs docker reddit Personally, I'm doing both. Installing k3s. Also, the format isn't all that different. Most recently used kind, and used minikube before that. for local development on Kubernetes. The "advantage" of doing this would be replacing the docker daemon abstraction with systemd Like I said, Docker comes down to one thing: Simplicity. For example, in a raspberry py, you wouldn't run k3s on top of docker, you simply run k3s directly. Most self hosted apps have well documented docker-compose files out there but finding kubectl yaml or helm files can be a challenge. I’ll have one main VM which will be a Docker host. https://k3d. Or you can drop a rancher server in docker and then cluster your machines, run kubernetes with the docker daemon, and continue to use your current infrastructure. Currently running docker swarm so not sure if jumping over to K3s will be a major benefit other then K3s and K8s are used everywhere these days. I run most stuff on docker (compose). Docker Swarm is there because I had my "production" in Docker already and I found it easier to jump from Docker to Swarm. If I went into this 6 months later, I would have likely chosen k3s due its popularity and both of them being so similar these days. For k8s I'd recommend starting with a vanilla distro like Kubeadm. We went to Kubernetes for the other things - service meshes, daemonsets. It would be interesting to use k3s to learn some k8s. So far I'm experimenting with k3s on multiple photon VMs on the same physical host, for convenience, but I think I'm going to switch to k3s on Raspberry Pi OS on multiple Raspberry Pi 4B nodes for the final iteration. It works well. It can be achieved in docker via the —device flag, and afaik it is not supported in k8s or k3s. Do you need the full suite of tools provided by docker? If not, using containerd is also a good option that allows you to forego installing docker. Oct 20, 2024 · Moved my stack to Kubernetes (running on K3S) about 8 months ago, mostly as an excuse to get up to speed with it in a practical sense (we have a Jun 24, 2023 · Docker itself uses containerd as the runtime engine. K8s is good if you wanna learn how docker actually goes and does all that stuff like orchestration, provisioning volumes, exposing your apps, etc. and using manual or Ansible for setting up. RAM: my testing on k3s (mini k8s for the 'edge') seems to need ~1G on a master to be truly comfortable (with some addon services like metallb, longhorn), though this was x86 so memory usage might vary somewhat slightly vs ARM. That should work great. Had a swarm which also worked great but went back to 1 box because of electricity costs vs bragging rights. Thank you for your detailed post! I discovered all the other services you're using and I'm somehow interested to level up a bit my setups (right now only docker-compose with traefik). My biggest problems so far have been related to host OS compatibility. Swarm is good for pure stateless, replicated nodes. It's an excellent combo. I'd say it's better to first learn it before moving to k8s. I’ve seen similar improvements when I moved my jail from HDD to NVME pool, but your post seems to imply that Docker is much easier on your CPU when compared to K3s, that by itself doesn’t make much sense knowing that K3s is a lightweight k8s distribution. I can explain the process of getting a docker-enabled app running on a new machine inside of a paragraph. With Kubernetes, you can use keel to automate updating things. I'm curious how many of you are using Kubernetes for self-hosting instead of raw Docker. Hope this helps! One place this differs for you is, if you ssh into the node, whether you type "crictl images" or "docker images" to see what was downloaded. One node decided to use the wrong nic for ntp which stalled the reboot process. So it can seem pointless when setting up at home with a couple of workers. but since I met Talos last week I stayed with him. separated from 'save files'. It's not supported anywhere as "managed Kubernetes" like standard Kubernetes is with the major cloud providers. K3s: K3s is a lightweight Kubernetes distribution that is specifically designed to run on resource-constrained devices like the Raspberry Pi. Hard to speak of “full” distribution vs K3S. Each host has it's own role : For local development of an application (requiring multiple services), looking for opinions on current kind vs minikube vs docker-compose. k3s has been installed with the shell script curl -sfL https://get. on my team we recently did a quick tour of several options, given that you're on a mac laptop and don't want to use docker desktop. For k3s, it would be the same as docker. KinD is my go-to and just works, they have also made it much quicker than the initial few versions. k3s is my go to for quick deployments and is very easily expanded with new nodes while retaining full compatibility with other kubernetes distributions. Plus k8s@home went defunct. What's the advantage of microk8s? I can't comment on k0s or k3s, but microk8s ships out of the box with Ubuntu, uses containerd instead of Docker, and ships with an ingress add-on. podman) but most tutorials/examples are Docker so it's probably a better choice. For immediate help and problem solving, please join us at https://discourse. Should I just install my K3S master node on my docker host server. Rancher is not officially supported to run in a talos cluster (supposed to be rke, rke2, k3s, aks or eks) but you can add a talos cluster as a downstream cluster for management You’ll have to manage the talos cluster itself somewhat on your own in that setup though; none of the node and cluster configuration things under ranchers “cluster Right now I have Raspbian lite OS, and went through the steps of installing k3s client on each node, and k3s master on one of the pies. Sort of agree. DONT run Immich in k3s, you will remember. Getting a cluster up and running is as easy as installing Ubuntu server 22. As for my recommendation, I really like Ceph for standalone stuff. k3s for small (or not so small) production setups. I like k0s, k3s is nice too. And k3d isn't the 'container' version of it, it just change the backend from containerd to docker. While perhaps not as mainstream as the other options currently, it does have the best feature i've seen in agesa simple, single button push to reset your cluster to completely default and empty (quite valuable when you are testing things) Docker is a lot easier and quicker to understand if you don't really know the concepts. But the advantage is that if your application runs on a whole datacenter full of servers you can deploy a full stack of new software, with ingress controllers, networking, load balancing etc to a thousand physical servers using a single configuration file and one command. The kernel comes from ubuntu 18. RKE is going to be supported for a long time w/docker compatibility layers so its not going anywhere anytime soon. You are going to have the least amount of issues getting k3s running on Suse. You can make DB backups, container etc. Docker is not installed, nor podman is. Which complicates things. Ok so first always use a tier 1 hyperviser for your vms. For example look at vm database vs docker database speeds. In practice, it's fairly similar to docker-compose, with extra networking options. CPU use of k3s is, for a big portion, not in control of iX-Systems. For example k3s defaults to sqlite instead of etcd. So then I was maintaining my own helm charts. That way they can also use kubectl and build local and push to the registry. the limited single-process container approach of Docker is the main reason I chose lxd over Docker. My cluster at home doesn't really get public facing access so I don't worry too much about the security aspect per say ( I still have security, just didn't have to focus too much about 4 VM's having appropriate permissions to talk to each other) but you'd like have a bit more on your hands if you rolled your own in the cloud vs a managed cluster. I know K3s is pretty stripped off of many K8s functionalities but still, if there is a significantly lower usage of CPU & ram when switching to docker-compose I might as well do that. My only concern is related to whether it’s… too much? Maybe I can go with using docker compose and swarm (v3 integrates between the two). k3s. They worked - but getting a good reverse proxy setup involved creating a VPN that spans two instances of Caddy that share TLS and OSCP information through Redis and only use DNS-01 Rancher is great, been using it for 4 years at work on EKS and recently at home on K3s. But it’s a huge hassle for little gains. Learn it, learn the concepts, maybe find a use for it, but otherwise be prepared to move on. Rich feature set: DevPod already supports prebuilds, auto inactivity shutdown, git & docker credentials sync, with many more features to come. You'll also not get it with docker swarm, which will fight you every step of the way. Sort of disagree. Suse releases both their linux distribution and Rancher/k3s. E. No need for redundancy nor failover at all. . I would prefer to not run one VM only for that, and another for the k3s master + agent. Note - I am 'not' going to push any images to docker-hub or the like. I've lost all my pictures 3 times and decided to create an ubuntu VM with Docker for the ame reason as the other comments. It'll be a little painful, but it'll be well worth it. I actually have a specific use case in mind which is to give a container access to a host’s character device, without making it a privileged container. a Docker Compose container translates to a Kubernetes Deployment, usually. Depends what you want you lab to be for. You could also mention that once the cluster is created you can provision load balancers and persistent volumes out of the box 🙂 If the developers are already using docker and a makefile, can they switch to using k3s local with a kaniko running? Or rancher desktop which install a K3s (but it uses more memory and create a VM). So here is what I recommend you do Take 1 host, and install docker, and spin up some containers. So I just Googled a VS for these two. Docker for basic services and K3s as an experimental platform to enable familiarity with Kubernetes. Installing k3s is simple and is a single binary you download and run. To download and run the command, type: This will manage storage and shares, as for some reasons I don’t like how Proxmox manage storage. Or skip rancher, I think you can use the docker daemon with k3s, install k3s, cluster, and off you go. [AWS] EKS vs Self managed HA k3s running on 1x2 ec2 machines, for medium production workload Wer'e trying to move our workload from processes running in AWS pambda + EC2s to kubernetes. All kinds of file mount issues. But that said, k3s seemed to work as advertised when I fiddled with it on a bunch of pi4 and one pi3+ box a while ago. Posted by u/BelisariusCrawl - 2 votes and 15 comments I believe most of it should migrate over for you quite seamlessly. This subreddit has gone Restricted and reference-only as part of a mass protest against Reddit's recent API changes, which break third-party apps and moderation tools. Understanding docker made kubernetes much easier to learn Aside from using k3s instead of docker, it's a system configured for a specific use case before anything. Migrating VMs is always mind-blowing. You can use a tool like kompose to convert docker compose files to kubernetes resources. Everything has to be LAN-only. Might be also OpenMediaVault (it appears you can run Docker easily on this) or Ubuntu or any other Linux. They are pretty much the same, just backed by different companies, containerd is backed by docker (and used by docker) and cri-o is backed by RedHat. For any customer allowing us to run on the cloud we are defaulting to manage k8s like GKE. personally, and predominantly on my team, minikube with hyperkit driver. minicube if you have virtualbox but not docker on your system. It's a lot more complicated than docker-compose, but also much more powerful. We used Hashicorp consul for the service discovery so we were able to handle relatively "small size of 1200" in Docker. Yesterday I upgraded talos on my 3 node cluster (one at a time). In the last two years most of my lab's loads have undergone multiple migrations: VMs > LXC containers > Docker containers (Docker Swarm > Rancher v1. other Kubernetes distributions is its broad compatibility with various container runtimes and Docker images, significantly reducing the complexity associated with managing containers. The difference you'll probably run into is PVCs and PVs for container storage. As everything is working properly, Id like to learn They, namely Minikube/K3D/Kind provide faster and easier cluster provisioning for development. Of course we will have to wait and see. Docker Swarm Rocks has a good guide that i modeled a lot after, but subdomains was a bit of a pain, which is why im looking at nginx manager. I currently use portainer in my docker jail to install and manage my stacks and would expect that the native solution would be at least as good. Podman doesn’t look like it lets you use docker-compose syntax, but k3s has konvert or other utilities for converting a docker-compose. I use k3s. When building the images and running them with Docker everything works fine but after transferring to AKS the problems start. k3s is great for testing but compared to talos it's night and day. Plenty of 'HowTos' out there for getting the hardware together, racking etc. e. Cross IDE support: VS Code and the full JetBrains suite is supported. NVME will have a major impact on how much time your CPU is spending in IO_WAIT. K8S is very abstract, even more so than Docker. For a homelab you can stick to docker swarm. Nomad is to me, what Docker Swarm should have been, a simple orchestration solution, just a little more elaborate than Docker Compose. Pick your poison, though if you deploy to K8S on your servers, it makes senses to also use a local K8S cluster in your developer machine to minimize the difference. I wonder if using Docker runtime with k3s will help? When reading up on "Podman vs Docker" most blogs tell the same story. Possibly because I'm bored and want to learn new tools and information I'm interested in learning about HA setups. Night and day. This is the command I used to install my K3s, the datastore endpoint is because I use an external MySQL database so that the cluster is composed of hybrid control/worker nodes that are theoretically HA. But that was a long time ago. As I’m fairly familiar with k8s, I thought about going k3s for a cluster. Note: I don’t work for/with anybody that’s affiliated with Rancher, k3s, or k3d. I tried k3s, alpine, microk8s, ubuntu, k3os, rancher, etc. yml file and run it with an ssh command. Hi! And thanks for mentioning my little project 🙂 (I changed username a while ago). kind (kubernetes-in-docker) is what I use on my laptop to I can say, what you're looking for you're not going to get with docker and docker-compose without building out your own infrastructure. See if you have a Docker Compose for which there are public Kubernetes manifests, such as the deployments I have in my wiki, and you'll see what I mean with that translation. Uninstall k3s with the uninstallation script (let me know if you can't figure out how to do this). Both provide a cluster management abstra K3s, Rancher and Swarm are orchestrators. Now I've got some experience with docker and kubernetes(k8s from here forward) from previous jobs I've done (I'm a software developer that's had to wear many hats and know a little about allot), but I've never really had to make the call to setup a system from scratch, which has left me You might want to give k3s a try just for the ease-of-use that comes with using a very small binary. I can't speak to vanilla k8s, but it's performance is comparable to microk8s Getting started locally is ridiculously easy, either with minikube or k3s. 11. It can also be deployed inside docker with k3d. Go with docker-compose and portainer. I have moderate experience with EKS (Last one being converting a multi ec2 docker compose deployment to a multi tenant EKS cluster) But for my app, EKS seems Also, RancherOS was a Linux distro that was entirely run from docker containers, even the vast majority of the host system (using privileged containers and multiple Docker daemons etc) These days they've migrated all of that to Kubernetes, and they make k3os which is basically the same as RancherOS was, except k3s (k3s are their lightweight k8s). x (aka K8S). In terms of updating- HAOS can update itself. On Linux you can have a look in /run and you will find both a docker. Strictly for learning purposes - Docker Swarm is kinda like K8s on easy mode. and then how I get all those nodes and containers to talk with one another, so that my little microservices project is accessible. IIUC, this is similar to what Proxmox is doing (Debian + KVM). Alternatively, if want to run k3s through docker just to get a taste of k8s, take a look at k3d (it's a wrapper that'll get k3s running on Out of curiosity, are you a Kubernetes beginner or is this focused towards beginners? K3s vs K0s has been the complete opposite for me. Minikube is much better than it was, having Docker support is a big win, and the new docs site looks lovely. 04, and running "snap install microk8s --classic". ChatGPT helped build that script in no time. Using Vagrant (with VirtualBox) and running Linux in a real VM and from there installing docker+minikube is a MUCH better experience. Since k3s is a single binary, it is very easy to install itself directly on nodes, plus you have less requirements (no need for existing docker, containerd built-in, less system resource usage, etc). Most of the things that aren't minikube need to be installed inside of a linux VM, which I didn't think would be so bad but created a lot of struggles for us, partly bc the VMs were then I had a full HA K3S setup with metallb, and longhorn …but in the end I just blew it all away and I, just using docker stacks. But now as Kubernetes has deprecated the dockerd and most of managed K8s cluster are using containerd. k3s is also now more lightweight than k0s. Rancher its self wont directly deploy k3s or RKE2 clusters, it will run on em and import em down If you just want to get/keep services running then Docker is proably a much simpler and more appropriate choice. A Docker development environment (A Direktiv instance on your laptop or desktop!). sock and a containerd. Comtainerd implements CRI (container runtime Interface) while Docker only uses that and wraps the deamon and http Interface around it. I have a few apps on a home server that I install with docker - immich, flatnotes. You usually use dockers for a single program, that you want to For containerised environments, I’ve dealt mainly with local compose, writing different docker images for different types of backends (python, node, php, maven build), some experience with docker service but all standalone services that run a 2 or 3 replicas, and containerised automated tests/deployments on gitlab CI. Same resources, etc. Stuff I was hoping just learning to use K3s in place of Docker compose. Cluster: Rpi4a -(kube master) just installed rpios 64 bit and k3s Rpi4b - ? Incoming: odroid n2+ (my though was to move home assistant here) So now I'm wondering if in production I should bother going for a vanilla k8s cluster or if I can easily simplify everything with k0s/k3s and what could be the advantages of k8s vs these other distros if any. Proxmox and Kubernetes aren't the same thing, but they fill similar roles in terms of self-hosting. com with the ZFS community as well. I've had countless issues with docker from Docker for Desktop when using Minikube. I am currently wondering if i should learn k3s and host everything on k3s, i know that this will have a learning curve but i can get it working on my free time, and when it is ready enough migrate all the data, or should i use the docker chart from truecharts and run everything with docker-compose as i was used to. I've recently watched a lot videos on Consul and K3s and it seems like a lot of the concepts with these setups are the same. I may purge one of my nodes over the summer and give this a whirl. g. It also handles multimaster without an external database. So where is the win with Podman? The only thing I worry about is my Raspberry handling all of this, because it has 512mb ram. You can also use k3s. maintain and role new versions, also helm and k8s This poll should say which one is currently being used, which matters because a lot of people have no idea that it's just k3s under the hood. Every single one of my containers is stateful. My CI/CD is simple, I build my app image in CI, and for CD I just push (scp) to my VPS the docker-compose. 8). We are Reddit's primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts. 04, and the user-space is repackaged from alpine. You could use it with k8s (or k3s) just as well as any other distro that supports docker, as long as you want to use docker! K3OS runs more like a traditional OS. R. Kubernetes is the "de-facto" standard for container orchestation, it wins over Docker Swarm, Mesosphere, CoreOS Fleet but not over Hashicorp tools. 3… honestly any tips at all because I went into this assuming it’d be as simple as setting up a docker container and I was wrong. This post was just to illustrate how lighweight K3s is vs something like Proxmox with VMs. Ive got an unmanaged docker running on alpine installed on a qemu+kvm instance. Especially if it's a single node. In terms of efficiency, its the same. A port-mapping will be some kind of Service, and a volume is a PersistentVolumeClaim. VSCode integration for workflow management and development I like k3s since it's a single binary and it had k3os if you get serious. Used to deploy the app using docker-compose, then switched to microk8s, now k3s is the way to go. I started with swarm and moved to kubernetes. I've also deployed and ran servers for digital ham radio, crypto servers and other various things. Talos Linux is one of the new 2nd generation distros that handle the concept of ephemeral lxd/lxc and Docker aren't congruent so this comparison needs a more detailed look; but in short I can say: the lxd-integrated administration of storage including zfs with its snapshot capabilities as well as the system container (multi-process) approach of lxc vs. Then most of the other stuff got disabled in favor of alternatives or newer versions. We've discussed the docker-compose vs kubernetes with iX quite a lot and the general consensus (which also spawned our Docker-Compose App project), was that we both agreed that docker-compose users should have a place on SCALE. This means it can take only a few seconds to get a fully working Kubernetes cluster up and running after starting off with a few barebones VPS runn You might find (as I did) that just consolidating under docker-compose on a x86_64 box like a i3 NUC gets you rock solid stability and much more performance. There is also k0s. Docker is (IMO) a bare engine, a foundation for more complex tools/platforms that can coincidentally run by itself. Kubernetes had a steep learning curve, but it’s pretty ubiquitous in the real world and is widespread so there’s good resources for learning and support. - inconsistent configuration between plugins e. As a result, this lightweight Kubernetes only consumes 512 MB of RAM and 200 MB of disk space. I just need to learn how I can build/push images via the k3s master so that it automatically pushes them to nodes. Podman is more secure because it doesn't use a daemon with root access, but instead uses system and subprocesses. It is easy to install and requires minimal configuration. It was my impression previously that minikube was only supported running under / bringing up a VM. Portainer started as a Docker/Docker Swarm GUI then added K8s support after. One node is fine. RKE2 took best things from K3S and brought it back into RKE Lineup that closely follows upstream k8s. PC 2: Windows 11 - desk pc. It's not good for reimplementing and centralizing what you have. practicalzfs. There're many mini K8S products suitable for local deployment, such as minikube, k3s, k3d, microk8s, etc. would allow me to ALSO deploy to the cloud easier. K8s/K3s provide diminishing returns for the complexity they pose in a small scale setup. 0 - All in one secure Reverse-proxy, container manager with app store and authentication provider, and integrated VPN now has a Docker backup system + Mac and Linux clients available Personally I am running Rancher in my homelab on worse hardware (late 2014 Mac mini) with k3s on Ubuntu Server and while it's not particularly fast, the performance of my Plex server is completely fine (and I'm not sure how much performance cost I am paying for Rancher). I have used k3s in hetzner dedicated servers and eks, eks is nice but the pricing is awful, for tight budgets for sure k3s is nice, keep also in mind that k3s is k8s with some services like trafik already installed with helm, for me also deploying stacks with helmfile and argocd is very easy to. To run the stuff or to play with K8S. I understand the basic idea behind Kubernetes I just don't know if it would even work out for my use-case. You can't just drop docker and switch to containerd as a runtime without re-working your job configuration files! - containerd doesn't reliably work with CSI mount points. Qemu becomes so solid when utilizing kvm! (I think?) The qemu’s docker instance is only running a single container, which is a newly launched k3s setup :) That 1-node k3s cluster (1-node for now. Background: I've been running a variety of docker-compose setups for years on the LAN and was thinking of trying again to spin up a k3s instance to compare it with. Docker still produces OCI-compliant containers that work just fine in K8s. Considering that I think it's not really on par with Rancher, which is specifically dedicated to K8s. Minikube/K3D/Kind all can work from Docker. Aug 8, 2024 · use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author:username find submissions by "username" site:example. Unless you have some compelling reason to use docker, I would recommend skipping the multiple additional layers of abstraction and just use containerd directly. KR Finally I glossed over it, but in terms of running the cluster I would recommend taloslinux over k3s. Ooh that would be a huge job. We can always just keep with what works now with jails and docker compose. Hi everyone, looking for a little bit of input on revamping my lab to go full k3s instead of doing docker (compose) per individual node like I am. 4. Personally- I would recommend starting with Ubuntu, and microk8s. Swarm use continues in the industry, no idea how/why as its completely unsupported, under maintained, and pretty much feature frozen. A tier 1 hypervised vm has 10X faster and more consistent responses on mongodb. Both docker, k8s, and haos, ALL just runs a container. I recommend Talos Linux, easy to install, You can run it in docker or vm locally on your host. I understand I could use docker swarm, but I really want to learn the Kubernetes side of things and with my hardware below I think k3s is (probably?) the right fit. And that use case is of course being a NAS. kubeadm: kubeadm is a tool provided by Kubernetes that can be used to create a cluster on a single Raspberry Pi. But that hasn’t been enough to motivate me. Jul 24, 2023 · A significant advantage of k3s vs. So for these containers, I'll be using Docker still. They keep changing directories names and screwing things up meaning that if you update the k3s you will loose everything (like me). Running on k3s also allows us to work with a more uniform deployment method then if we would run on docker swarm or something similar. K3s is a distribution of kubernetes that’s easy to install and self-manage with lower resource use than other distros (making it great for raspberry pi clusters and other edge/embedded environments). If you are on windows and just looking to get started, don't leave out Docker Desktop. I might have a really stupid/totally obvious answer question for you, but struggling on it: I try to use docker in docker (dind) on a k3s cluster as container in a pod running rhel8(. I’ve just rebuilt my docker powered self hosted server with k3s. It was entirely manageable with clear naming conventions of service names. The same flow has helped a few companies switch to docker/kubernetes with success. Other IDEs can be connected through ssh. But you can install on virtual or bare metal. Also with swarm, when a node dies, the service has no downtime. Im also having trouble getting Rancher or Kubernetes Dashboard working for my external host. So don't expect any improvement on . From my (albiet very limited) experience from managing LXC containers, they aren't a solution to deploying NextCloud from a docker-compose-like file. Any advice on deployment for k3s? Knowing what a pod is and how a service works to expose a group of them and you're already past what docker-compose could do for you. sock in there. DevPod runs solely on your computer. I find K8S to be hard work personally, even as Tanzu but I wanted to learn Tanzu so. All managed from Portainer with an agent. Docker compose dir is replicated around via seafile. I tried to expose /run/k3s/containerd If you want to install a linux to run k3s I'd take a look at Suse. Also use Docker engine on a Linux VM, rather than Docker desktop on Windows/Mac if you want to explore what's going on. Management can be done via other tools that are probably more suitable and secure for prod too (kubectl, k9s, dashboard, lens, etc). I've seen a lot of people talking about running Docker in an LXC container or a VM but I've not found any discussions comparing the two. k3s + helms is way more powerful and valuable, but arguably not as useful on SCALE since I wouldn't mind paying Docker if it was providing some value that I needed (like a public registry that I wanted to use), but now I can just use Rancher and it even gives the option of choosing my backend (containerd or docker) no cost either way which is great, although to be fair I don't know if the containerd backend also works with KinD. x (aka Cattle)) and I'm currently toying with Rancher v2. 6/ I'm using Ubuntu as the OS and KVM as the hypervisor. I want to make the switch as the tooling in kubernetes is vastly superior but I'm worried about cluster stability in k3s compared to docker swarm. Even if it doesn't, docker is much simpler to manage than k3s and there's a lot more documentation and guides out there around docker than there is around k3s. The big difference is that K3S made the choices for you and put it in a single binary. If you already have something running you may not benefit too much from a switch. I have all the k3s nodes on a portgroup with a VLAN tag for my servers. At the moment ive only used Portainer, which I loathe. My flow is Github > Docker > Helm > K3s The build job just replaces #K8 with nothing so docker then adds the code into the container and does other commented out things. Is it possible to just remove the agent I currently have on my master node, and use docker runtime, so that I can then use docker/docker-compose to run apps there side by side with k3s agent? I tried following this by doing something like: ``` I'm a Docker (docker-compose) user since quite a while now It served me well so far. It seems to be lightweight than docker. Docker swarm mode, meaning the functionality built in to modern versions of the Docker binary (and not the defunct "Docker Swarm") is a great learning tool. Too big to effectively run stanalone docker daemons, too small to justify dedicated management plane nodes. It doesn’t feel right to me to add complexity to my homeops without getting any benefits. Even though there’s all kinds of fancy stuff out there, these days (like tilt)…I still default to k3d when I need to quickly spin up a small throw-away cluster locally. The Ryzen 7 node was the first one so it's the master with 32GB but the Ryzen 9 machine is much better with 128GB and the master is soon getting an upgrade to 64GB So I've recently taken the step into getting a new home lab setup, starting small with a Raspberry pi 4 8Gb. It's basically an entire OS that just runs k8s, stripped down and immutable which provides tooling to simplify upgrades and massively reduce day 2 ops headaches. And I put all my config in github to allow me to rebuild with a script to pull it down along with installing k3s. From there, really depends on what services you'll be running. Anyone has any specific data or experience on that? Docker swarm is basically dead, when Mirantis acquired docker enterprise they said that they would support it for two years. And they do a lot more than this, but that's the big piece of it for what you want. 🆕 Cosmos 0. Still, lots of people electing to use it on brand new projects. docker and containerd are configured at the job level in different ways, so you can't just replace one run-time with another. This means they are in charge of getting the containers running on the various docker servers. Months later, I have attempted to use k3s for selfhosting - trying to remove the tangled wires that is 30ish Docker Compose deployments running across three nodes. On such platforms, Docker Desktop and other Docker-in-a-VM solutions are necessarily and noticeably slower than native development and fairly impactful to battery life, and require you to carve off some portion of your system resources to dedicate for only Docker's use. This runs an instance of k3s to support all the Knative, Direktiv and container repos. If you have use of k8s knowledge in work or want to start using AWS etc, you should learn it. Containerd comes bundled alongside other components such as CoreDNS, Flannel etc when installing k3s. Other RPi4 Cluster // K3S (or K8S) vs Docker Swarm? Raiding a few other projects I no longer use and I have about 5x RPi4s and Im thinking of (finally) putting together a cluster. Most things will basically migrate "as is". I can run VM, LXC or Docker whenever I want. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Client-only: No need to install a server backend. Rock solid, easy to use and it's a time saver. Yes, it is possible to cluster the raspberry py, I remember one demo in which one guy at rancher labs create a hybrid cluster using k3s nodes running on Linux VMs and physical raspberry py. Swarm is I'm reviving this (old) thread because I was using traefik and just discovered Nginx Proxy Manager. But some more critical applications do get migrated to the k3s cluster. In a way, K3S bundles way more things than a standard vanilla kubeadm install, such as ingress and CNI. legacy, alpha, and cloud-provider-specific features), replacing docker with containerd, and using sqlite3 as the default DB (instead of etcd). Thanks for sharing. I have been using docker-in-docker in kubernetes pod for various docker operations like image building, image pull and push, saving images as tar and extracting it. I have been running Home Assistant and Node Red on mine for about a year and it's been great. The windows version used to building the image needs to match exactly with the version the worker node is using, otherwise container goes to a crash RKE, Rancher and k3s either work brilliantly or they crash and burn with you in it, only works for happy path EDIT: RKE now works beautifully again, I just had to pin a specific docker-version, which was perfectly documented, I was just too thick-headed to read it and follow it. In docker-compose you can just share a local directory. k3d is a lightweight wrapper to run k3s (Rancher Lab’s minimal Kubernetes distribution) in docker. Hello, I currently have a few (9) docker hosts (vm's (2 physical hosts) and one Pi). My notes/guide how I setup Kubernetes k3s, OpenFaaS, Longhorn, MetalLB, Private Docker registry The management of the docker compose stacks should be much better. com Nov 22, 2024 · Hi folks ! I've been running a homerserver for 2 years now entirely with docker compose. Add Traefik proxy, a dashboard that reads the docker socket like Flame and Watchtower to auto-download updates (download, not install). I use Hetzner Cloud and I just provisioned the machine with Ansible with just Ubuntu and Docker, and also with Ansible I set up the master and the workers for K3S. K3s is a lightweight certified kubernetes distribution. 2/ Local vs cloud. io/v5. Using older versions of K3S and Rancher is truly recommended. I run multiple nodes, some cloud, two on-site with Ryzen 7 and Ryzen 9 CPUs respectively. I don't love Docker, I love simplicity. But when running on Kubernetes it seems both Redshift and Docker recommend the same runtime that to my understanding uses a daemon. This is a really cool idea. Next time around I'll probably start with debian and put docker and proxmox on top, the one VM is all I need usually, but it would be nice to have proxmox to handle other one-offs as We have over 1200 containers running per node in Docker with no problems. I continue to think I have to learn/do all this probably full time job level hard devops crap to deploy to google, amazon, etc. There are other container runtimes (e. Host networking won't work. K3S on its own will require separate VMs/metal nodes to spin up a multi-node cluster. 1. I use Docker with Docker-Compose (hand-written separate yaml files) to have ephemeral services with a 'recipe' to spin up in a split second if anything happens to my server and to have service files etc. and god bless k3d) is orchestrating a few different pods, including nginx, my gf’s telnet BBS, and a containerized Just a fyi, you don't really need k3d, you can just install k3s with the --docker option and it does the same and you get the official release. io | sh -. It also has k3s built in. From my knowledge Minikube can also use VirtualBox. K3s was great for the first day or two then I wound up disabling traefik because it came with an old version. I don't regret spending time learning k8s the hard way as it gave me a good way to learn and understand the ins and outs. yml to the k8s config files, so maybe it’s possible? When I tried just to see, I got that I can’t mount a few volumes on the host. That way Docker services got HA without too much fuss. k3d makes it very easy to create single- and multi-node k3s clusters in docker, e. Efficiency is the same. I would personally go either K3S or Docker Swarm in that instance. And that's it. In the case of a system that is not big but have a potential to grow, makes sense to use k3s and build a infrastructe model compatible with Kubernetes and be prepared to use k8s if it realy grows ? K3s achieves its lightweight goal by stripping a bunch of features out of the Kubernetes binaries (e. These days i heard of the k3s and i wondered if is valid to use k3s instead of pure docker in a real production environment aiming low end servers. TrueNAS will easily allow you to manage ZFS, create file shares, set permissions and all that. This hardly matters for deciding which tool to create/develop containers with. Windows 11 pc on nvme Unraid setup with array/cache drives (gpu, nvme, usb pass through for gaming pc or windows in vm same drive/os) Moved home assistant to docker for now. kind for local test clusters on a single system. My main duty is software development not system administration, i was looking for a easy to learn and manage k8s distro, that isn't a hassle to deal with, well documented, supported and quickly deployed. Then reinstall it with the flags. Docker is no longer supported as a containerd for K8s. Personally I’ve had great success running k3s + containerd on bare metal. We ask that you please take a minute to read through the rules and check out the resources provided before creating a post, especially if you are new here. All my devs are still using docker but clusters have been containerd for years. As you mentioned, metallb is what you should use as loadbalancer. Second Docker does not necessarily give you a performance boost, quite the contrary. Do you find Kubernetes too complicated for self-hosting? I'm asking because I'm developing a new package management solution and considering whether to create an "all-in-one" Docker image that includes all the microservices. Ingress won't work. Just remember, anything you can dockerize on arm architecture can be deployed to it. But I want to automate that process a little bit more, and I'm kinda facing my limits with bash scripting etc. With Docker, things can automatically update themselves when you use watchtower. I've been using it for months and see massive improvements over Docker Desktop distributions. I've tinkered with Docker Swarm, however it seems most of the information on web is really focused on K8s. For basic use cases, 15 hours of study and practice will get most professionals in a place where they can replace docker-compose. The main issues with k3s + Helms on SCALE is that it's not obvious to newbies, and people not understanding how it works, and expecting it to work just like Docker. If you are paying for RedHat support they probably can help and support cri-o, other than that it doesn't matter what CRI you use as long as it follow the standard. Too much work. I just really got a LOT of value out of k3d + k3s as a beginner. xggyrm usfls mqmm aon mdm fsfmus xnbmj uplmf flfgq oiix jqck xgvy emb jkwcs uoz